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发布时间:2024-08-31 05:08:58


Passage 5
Darkness approached and a cold, angry wind gnawed at the tent like a mad dog. Camped above treeline in the Wind River Mountains of Wyoming, the torrents of air were not unexpected and only a minor disturbance compared to the bestial gnawing going on behind my belly button. In an attempt to limit exposure of my bare bottom to the ice-toothed storm, I had pre-dug a haft dozen catholes within dashing distance. Over and over, through the long night, the same scenario was repeated: out of the bay, out of the tent, rush, squat, rush back. "Everyone can master a grief," wrote Shakespeare, "but he that has it."
Diarrhea, the modem word, resembles the old Greek expression for "a flowing through." Ancient Egyptian doctors left descriptions of the suffering of Pharaohs scratched on papyrus even before Hippocrates, the old Greek, gave it a name few people can spell correctly. An equal opportunity affliction, diarrhea has laid low
A. the terrible weather
B. the stern army life
C. the suffering from diarrhea
D. the tough wartime

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Passage 5
Darkness approached and a cold, angry wind gnawed at the tent like a mad dog. Camped above treeline in the Wind River Mountains of Wyoming, the torrents of air were not unexpected and only a minor disturbance compared to the bestial gnawing going on behind my belly button. In an attempt to limit exposure of my bare bottom to the ice-toothed storm, I had pre-dug a haft dozen catholes within dashing distance. Over and over, through the long night, the same scenario was repeated: out of the bay, out of the tent, rush, squat, rush back. "Everyone can master a grief," wrote Shakespeare, "but he that has it."
Diarrhea, the modem word, resembles the old Greek expression for "a flowing through." Ancient Egyptian doctors left descriptions of the suffering of Pharaohs scratched on papyrus even before Hippocrates, the old Greek, gave it a name few people can spell correctly. An equal opportunity affliction, diarrhea has laid low
A. Ancient Egyptians
B. An old Greek
C. American soldiers
D. The passage doesn't tell

[单项选择]According to the passage, farmers were angry about the tariff because ______.

[单项选择]According to the passage, plants in the cold area grow close tO the ground ______ .
A. to avoid being eaten by animals
B. because fertilizer is not readily available
C. to reduce exposure to the cold
D. because unforeseen to the cold
[单项选择]According to the Passage, whether it is cold or warm, ______.

A. the right kinds of tents are the most important
B. the right kinds of clothes are the most important
C. it is the most important to keep warm and safe
D. it is important to bring a down-filled sleeping bag
[单项选择]We learn from the passage that passage that a storm follows a change in ______.
A. humidity
B. temperature
C. air pressure
D. moisture
[单项选择]This passage is

A. a study of Korean elite and higher education.
B. a comparison of four different religions in Korea.
C. an introduction to a study of religious influence in Korea.
D. a history of religious impact on Korean higher education.
[单项选择]What is the passage

A. An opening speech of a lecture.
B. The text of the economist’s speech.
C. A discussion on inflation and investment.
D. The interpretation of the phrase "economic depression".
[单项选择]The passage focuses on

[单项选择]The passage suggests that

A. computers have not been very helpful in humanities study until recently.
B. computers were widely used in all kinds of literary texts very long ago.
C. computers were invented by International Business Machines Corporation.
D. computers began to be used for literary study as soon as they were invented.
[单项选择]The passage mainly discusses

A. how to be familiar with a new culture
B. the problems of immigration
C. cultural adjustment
D. how to survive in a second culture
[单项选择]The passage implies that

A. keeping secrets is rarely done.
B. happy families seldom have secrets.
C. unhappy families usually have secrets.
D. family secrets are short-lived.


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