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发布时间:2024-07-21 02:29:46

[单项选择](Having been) finished (his) breakfast, (he) went out (for) a walk.

A. Having been
B. his
C. he
D. for

更多"(Having been) finished (his) breakf"的相关试题:

[单项选择](Having been) finished (his) breakfast, (he) went out (for) a walk.
A. Having been
B. his
C. he
D. for
[单项选择](Having spent) his (last) penny for the cheese, he was determined (to eat) it all, even thought it tasted (bitterly) to him.
A. Having spent
B. last
C. to eat
D. bitterly
[单项选择]All his investments have been successful and he was believed to be (extreme) ______ rich.
[单项选择]Having been ill in bed for nearly a month, he had a hard time ______ the exam.
A. pass
B. to pass
C. passed
D. passing
[单项选择]Jim went to his hometown yesterday. He () there already.
A. must arrive
B. may arrive
C. may have arrived
D. would arrive
[单项选择]He went on to say that he would go to his hometown in ______ of peace.
A. quest
B. allowance
C. thirst
D. greed
[单项选择]Jim went to his hometown yesterday. He ______ there already.
A. must arrive
B. may arrive
C. may have arrived
D. would arrive
[单项选择]He gathered his courage and went on writing music, though he could hear what he wrote only more and more faintly.

A. 他鼓起勇气,继续谱写音乐,虽然他只能听到越来越模糊的音乐。
B. 他鼓起勇气,继续谱写音乐,虽然他对自己写了些什么越来越记不清楚。
C. 他鼓起勇气,继续音乐创作,虽然他对自己创作的音乐听得越来越模糊。
D. 他鼓起勇气,继续音乐创作,虽然他听到音乐时感到越来越头昏目眩。

A young man hurried into his town library. He went up to one of the old librarians and said to her eagerly ,"Do you remember that you persuaded me to borrow a book about Greek history a week (21) "
"Yes, that’ s (22) . "answered the librarian.
"Do you remember the name of the (23) . me young man asked. The librarian (24) very proud, because she was always (25) to get young people to take out books about Greek history, and she (26) found one who was willing to accept her suggestions.
"Yes, "she answered. "Do you want to take it (27) again Did you think that it was so interesting"
"No, of course not." Said the young man, "but when I was taking it (28) . I met a girl on the bus. and I (29) her telephone number in the book. I want to (30) her, so may I look at the book again"

A. rarely
B. often
C. truly
D. really


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