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发布时间:2024-07-01 04:23:27


Good locks on all outside and first floor windows are essential to a home’s security and will go a long way toward discouraging burglars. But an added protective device that is increasingly being used in homes is the burglar system, which sounds a loud bell, horn, or siren (警报器) when someone tries to break in. Although this will not always prevent entry by a determined professional burglar, it is often enough to scare off vandals (故意破坏他人财物者) and spurn-of-the- moment thieves who account for a high percentage of residential break-ins.
Security alarm systems have been available for many years and have long been common in commercial and industrial establishments and in large homes. But until the last few years, these systems were almost always professionally installed because they required complicated wiring techniques, individualized design, and sometimes lots of carpentry, all of which made them expensive.
To answer the demand for low-cost alarm system
A. instructive
B. informative
C. opposed
D. funny

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Good locks on all outside and first floor windows are essential to a home’s security and will go a long way toward discouraging burglars. But an added protective device that is increasingly being used in homes is the burglar system, which sounds a loud bell, horn, or siren (警报器) when someone tries to break in. Although this will not always prevent entry by a determined professional burglar, it is often enough to scare off vandals (故意破坏他人财物者) and spurn-of-the- moment thieves who account for a high percentage of residential break-ins.
Security alarm systems have been available for many years and have long been common in commercial and industrial establishments and in large homes. But until the last few years, these systems were almost always professionally installed because they required complicated wiring techniques, individualized design, and sometimes lots of carpentry, all of which made them expensive.
To answer the demand for low-cost alarm system
A. security alarm systems were not safe at all
B. security alarm systems were easy to break down
C. security alarm systems were not available
D. security alarm systems required complicated wiring techniques, individualized design, and sometimes lots of carpentry

[单项选择]Our new house is on the first floor.
A. bottom
B. third
C. ground
D. top
[单项选择]The lure started on the first floor of the hospital, ______ are elderly and weak.
A. many of whose patients
B. many of which patients
C. many of it patients
D. many patients of whom
[单项选择]There are two rooms on the first floor, ______ is used as a guest room.
A. a smaller of which
B. a smaller of them
C. the smaller of which
D. the smaller of them

Since pleasure is the first good and natural to us, for this very reason we do not choose every pleasure, but sometimes we pass over many pleasures, when greater discomfort accrues to us as the result of them; and similarly we think many pains better than pleasures, since a greater pleasure comes to us when we have endured pains for a long time. Every pleasure then because of its natural kinship to us is good, yet not every pleasure is to be chosen; even as every pain is also an evil, yet not all are always of a nature to be avoided. Yet by a scale of comparison and by the consideration of advantages and disadvantages we must form our judgement on all these matters. For the good on certain occasions we treat as bad, and conversely the bad as good.
We must consider that of desires some are natural, others vain, and of the natural some are necessary and others merely natural; and of the necessary some are necessary for happiness, others for the repose of the body, an
A. One fulfils all his desires.
B. One obeys the nature and fulfils necessary desires.
C. One pursues the greatest wealth, honor and respect.
D. One has great empty imaginings.


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