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发布时间:2023-10-17 10:40:50

[单项选择]The boutique (时装店) issued (发布) a recruitment (招聘启事) ______ more assistants to attend customers.

A. on
B. for
C. with

更多"The boutique (时装店) issued (发布) a re"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The boutique (时装店) issued (发布) a recruitment (招聘启事) ______ more assistants to attend customers.
[单项选择]某单位在招聘启事中定:本单位不招女同志,:请女大学毕业生勿投档案。该启示侵犯了妇女的( )权利。
A. 人身
B. 文化教育
C. 劳动
D. 平等
[单项选择]产品价格的上升通常会使其销量减少,除非价格上升的同时伴随着质量的提高。时装却是一个例外。在某时装店,一款女装标价86元无人问津,老板灵机一动改为286元,衣服却很快售出。 如果以下陈述为真,哪一项最能解释上述反常现象
A. 在时装市场上,服装产品是充分竞争性产品
B. 许多消费者在购买服装时,看重电视广告或名人对服装的评价
C. 有的女士购买时装时往往不买最好,只买最贵
D. 消费者常常以价格的高低作为判断服装质量的主要标尺
A. 王某
B. 齐某
C. 丽人时装公司
D. 佳丽时装公司
A. 衣服买卖显失公平,丙应该退衣还款
B. 衣服买卖乘人之危,丙应该退衣还款
C. 乙的行为是无权代理,买卖行为无效
D. 乙的行为是表见代理,买卖行为有效
[单项选择]What statement has been issued by the Pentagon

A. The military will withdraw from Iraq.
B. The military is prepared to protect its personnel.
C. There is no need to worry about the Bio-weapons attack at present.
D. American troops will be equipped with better bio-weapons.
[单项选择]The government issued a warning to local companies that all waste must be disposed of () or they will face heavy fines.
A. corrects
B. correcting
C. correction
D. correctly
[单项选择]The report issued by the National Education Commission on Time and Learning found that____________.

A. Japanese students study twice as much as U.S. students
B. U.S. high schools skimp on basic courses
C. German students spend 5.5 hours on academics daily
D. U.S. students are incomparable
[单项选择]The State Department has issued a regulation abolishing the special privileges for government officials.
A. grants
B. rights
C. advantages
D. interests
[单项选择]What regulation was issued by New York State concerning beverage containers

A. Beverage companies should be responsible for collecting and reusing discarded plastic soda bottles.
B. Throwaways should be collected by the state for recycling.
C. A fee should be charged on used containers for recycling.
D. Consumers had to pay for beverage containers and could get their money back on returning them.
[单项选择]A bond issued by the government of Italy is likely to be denominated in which one of the following currencies()
A. U. S. dollars.
B. Swiss francs.
C. Euros.
[单项选择]A statement issued by the two companies uses the phrase "increased co-operation", thereby inferring quite accurately that the two firms already work together.()
A. claimed
B. produced
C. predicted
D. reported
[单项选择]Statistics issued in New Jersey suggested that _________.

A. many drivers were not of legal age
B. young drivers were often bad drivers
C. the legal drinking age should be raised
D. the level of drinking increased in the 1960s


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