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发布时间:2024-07-28 02:17:57


Text 3
Science is the never-ending struggle to find truth. You may dismiss this statement as the rambling of an amateur philosopher, but it holds some practical value. Truth is a temporary phenomenon. It is limited by human communication systems, technology, and skills. For example, during the Dark Ages in Europe, the world was perceived as flat. This flatness was acceptable as "truth" because travel and human knowledge of celestial phenomena were so limited that no other concept was needed. A family lived in a small area and confined its activity to a small region. This region appeared to be flat, so for all practical purposes, the earth was flat, too. When travel and exploration became widespread, and especially when ships were able to sail far out on the Atlantic, the vision of a flat earth had to change. Many observations of stars and planets and of ships’movements at sea led to new principles and to a new truth. Those who were in the position t
A. lay the foundation of finding new truth.
B. lay the foundation of fining new principles.
C. solve some practical problems existing in human lives.
D. analyze problems occurring along the development of societies.

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Text 3
Science is the never-ending struggle to find truth. You may dismiss this statement as the rambling of an amateur philosopher, but it holds some practical value. Truth is a temporary phenomenon. It is limited by human communication systems, technology, and skills. For example, during the Dark Ages in Europe, the world was perceived as flat. This flatness was acceptable as "truth" because travel and human knowledge of celestial phenomena were so limited that no other concept was needed. A family lived in a small area and confined its activity to a small region. This region appeared to be flat, so for all practical purposes, the earth was flat, too. When travel and exploration became widespread, and especially when ships were able to sail far out on the Atlantic, the vision of a flat earth had to change. Many observations of stars and planets and of ships’movements at sea led to new principles and to a new truth. Those who were in the position t
A. lay the foundation of finding new truth.
B. lay the foundation of fining new principles.
C. solve some practical problems existing in human lives.
D. analyze problems occurring along the development of societies.


Text 4
Learning science helps children to develop ways of understanding the world around them. For this they have to build up concepts which help them link their experiences together; they must learn ways of gaining and organizing information and of applying and testing ideas. This contributes not only to children’s ability to make better sense of things around them, but prepares them to deal more effectively with wider decision-making and problem-solving in their lives. Science is as basic a part of education as numeracy and literacy; it daily becomes more important as the complexity of technology increases and touches every part of our lives.
Learning science can bring a double benefit because science is both a method and a set of ideas; both a process and a product. The process of science provide a way of finding out information, testing ideas and seeking explanations. The products of science are ideas which can be applied in helping to understand
A. making better sense of things around them
B. improving their decision-making ability
C. cultivating their problem-solving ability
D. developing their total personality


Text 3
Science has long had an uneasy relationship with other aspects of culture. Think of Galileo’ s 17th century trial for his rebelling belief before the Catholic Church or poet William Blake’ s harsh remarks against the mechanistic worldview of Isaac Newton. The schism between sciences and the humanities has, if anything, deepened in this century.
Until recently, the scientific community was so powerful that it could effort to ignore its critics--but no longer. As funding for science has declined, scientists have attacked "antiscience" in several books, notably Higher Superstition, by Paul Regress, a biologist at the University of Virginia, and Norman Leavitt, a mathematician at Rutgers University; and The Demon Haunted World, by Car Satan of Cornell University.
Defenders of science have also voiced their concerns at meetings such as "The Flight from Science and Reason", held in New York City in 1995, and "Sc
A. discuss the cause of the decline of science's power
B. show the author' s sympathy with scientists
C. explain the way in which science develops
D. exemplify the division of science and the humanities


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