The effect of the baby boom on the
schools helped to make possible a shift in thinking about the role of public
education in the 1950’s. In the 1920’s but especially (21)
the Depression of the 1930’s, the United States experienced a
(22) birth rate. Then with the prosperity (23)
.on by the Second World War and the economic boom that followed it,
young people married and (24) households earlier and began
to (25) larger families than had their (26)
during the Depression. Birth rates rose to 102 per thousand in 1946,
106. 2 in 1950, and 118 in 1955 (27) economics was probably
the most important (28) . it is not the only
explanation for the baby boom. The increased value placed (29)
the idea of the family also helps to (30) this
rise in birth rates. The baby boomers began s A. refutably B. indispensably C. inevitably D. respectively [不定项选择题]患者女,妊娠39周,有规则宫缩17小时,宫口开大2cm,胎头下降缓慢,胎心音正常。诊断子宫收缩乏力。
A.立即给予导尿术 B.立即静脉注射缩宫素 C.安置中凹位 D.严密观察血压 E.吸氧保暖 [单选题]接入 10kV 及以上电压等级配电网的微电网,应能根据电网频率值、电力调度机构指令等信号调节()。
A.并网开关 B.分布式电源出力 C.有功交换功率 D.无功交换功率 [单选题]在目前,机载气象雷达还不能有效地探测下述何种天气现象
A.不带雨滴的湍流; B.小雨、小冰雹; C.湿雪、湿冰雹 D.干雪,干冰雹 [判断题]( )在机车小、辅修开工前12h内,应将“机统—28”送交检修车间。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]使用调高垫板调线路冻害水平时,每处调高垫板厚度不超过()
A.7mm B.10mm C.15mm D.20mm [简答题]《水龙吟(登建康赏心亭)》的表现手法。
A.压缩至本筒内 B.推至筒顶界以上 C.推至筒底界以上 D.推至筒顶界以下刊 E.lue [单项选择]The island's chief was its beauty.
A. feature B. character C. nature D. temper [填空题]洪水过后,须立即检查河道、河床、防护设备、( )和桥头路基的状态。
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