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发布时间:2024-07-10 22:18:24


Volcanic fire and glacial ice are natural enemies. Eruptions at glaciated volcanoes typically destroy ice fields, as they did in 1980 when 70% of Mount Saint Helens ice cover was demolished. During long dormant intervals, glaciers gain the upper hand cutting deeply into volcanic cones and eventually reducing them to rabble. Only rarely do these competing forces of heat and cold operate in perfect balance to create a phenomenon such as the steam caves at Mount Rainier National Park.
Located inside Rainier’s two ice-filled summit craters, these caves form a labyrinth of tunnels and vaulted chambers about one and one-half miles in total length. Their creation depends on an unusual combination of factors that nature almost never brings together in one place. The cave making recipe calls for a steady emission of volcanic gas and heat, a heavy annual snowfall at an elevation high enough to keep it from melting during the summer, and a bowl-shaped crater to hold the snow.<
A. strongest eruption
B. sudden growth
C. destruction
D. unpredictability

更多"Volcanic fire and glacial ice are n"的相关试题:


Volcanic fire and glacial ice are natural enemies. Eruptions at glaciated volcanoes typically destroy ice fields, as they did in 1980 when 70% of Mount Saint Helens ice cover was demolished. During long dormant intervals, glaciers gain the upper hand cutting deeply into volcanic cones and eventually reducing them to rabble. Only rarely do these competing forces of heat and cold operate in perfect balance to create a phenomenon such as the steam caves at Mount Rainier National Park.
Located inside Rainier’s two ice-filled summit craters, these caves form a labyrinth of tunnels and vaulted chambers about one and one-half miles in total length. Their creation depends on an unusual combination of factors that nature almost never brings together in one place. The cave making recipe calls for a steady emission of volcanic gas and heat, a heavy annual snowfall at an elevation high enough to keep it from melting during the summer, and a bowl-shaped crater to hold the snow.<
A. eliminated
B. enlarged
C. prevented
D. hollowed

[单项选择]The passage suggests that the effects of volcanic carbon dioxide on the environment differ from those of sulfurous gases in that

[单项选择]According to the passage long periods of volcanic inactivity can lead to a volcanic cone's ______.

A. strongest eruption
B. sudden growth
C. destruction
D. unpredictability
[单项选择]The sentence "Change is moving at glacial(冰川的)speed,' (Line 5, Par

A. A.2) suggests that Swicord was ______ about the change. displeasedB. puzzledC. happyD. high-spirited
[单项选择]As one of the world's most active volcanic zones, Kamchatka is close to ______.

A. the Arctic Ocean
B. the Pacific Ocean
C. the Atlantic Ocean
D. the Black Sea
[单项选择]During volcanic ______, dark clouds of smoke fill the sky, bringing fears to local residents.
A. eruption
B. ejection
C. erosion
D. erection
[单项选择]A fire ______ last night in his house and the fireman came and

A. broke out ... put down
B. broke in ... put out it
C. broke out ... put it out
D. broke through... put it down
[单项选择]GLACIER : ICE ::
A. beach : sand
B. mountain : clouds
C. ship : harbor
D. hammer : chisel
E. novel : characters
[单项选择]FIRE : WOOD ::
A. motor : boat
B. sunlight : forest
C. oil : water
D. gears : bicycle
E. automobile : gasoline


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