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发布时间:2023-10-10 18:08:30

[单项选择]Among the symptoms of measles, which takes about twelve days to incubate, are a high fever, swelling of glands in the neck, a cough, and sensitive to light.

更多"Among the symptoms of measles, whic"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Which is true about "Time Takes Time"

[单项选择]Space is full of unseen hazards among which are cosmic rays.
A. dangers
B. ventures
C. galaxies
D. prospects
[单项选择]It takes about an hour to get there, allowing for possible traffic delays.()
A. attending
B. taking account of
C. in the charge of
D. taking charge of
[单项选择]It takes about 365N days for the Earth to ____________ around the Sun in its orbit.
A. rotate
B. roll
C. spin
D. revolve
[单项选择]Which statement about Madonna is NOT true

A. She broke one leg.
B. She shattered one hand.
C. She broke her collarbone.
D. She cracked three ribs.
[单项选择]Which statement about the preliminary design stage of a software development project is true ?()
A. The preliminary design is an internal document used only by programmers
B. The preliminary design is the result of mapping product requirement into software and hardware functions
C. The preliminary design of the product comes from the requirement specification
D. The developers produce the preliminary design by defining the software structure in enough detail to permit coding
[单项选择]Which statement about the relationship between the short-term and long-term profits is true

A. Short-term profits are more important than long-term profits.
B. The aim for long-term profits must influence short-term profits.
C. Both the long-term and short-term profits should be considered.
D. Short-term profits are usually obtained at the cost of long-term profits.
[单项选择]Which statement about American education is NOT true
A. Elementary and secondary education is free and noncompulsory.
B. There are more public elementary and secondary schools than private ones.
C. Public schools are financially supported and governed by states or communities.
D. Public and private schools refer to the way in which these institutions are funded and controlled.
[单项选择]Which statement about the Watergate Scandal is NOT true
A. After the scandal American disillusions grew.
B. Nixon was the second president to resign in U.S. history.
C. Nixon finally handed over the complete tapes, which would condemn him.
D. By the early 1980s far fewer Americans still clung to the belief that their system was the most powerful.
[单项选择]Which statement about Vesalius is most probably FALSE

[单项选择]Which statement about the early stage of computer application in humanities is INCORRECT

A. The earliest such applications could be traced back to the Renaissance.
B. The mainframe computers were used to help cataloging word references.
C. Some dictionary compilers were assisted in their work by computers.
D. Library collections were cataloged efficiently with the help of computers.
[单项选择]Which statement about the book is not true

A. Part dream analysis.
B. Part autobiography.
C. Part theory of the mind.
D. Part history of Brussels.


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