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发布时间:2023-12-15 02:40:35


Text 3
There is a confused notion in the minds of many people that the gathering of the property of the poor into the hands of the rich does no ultimate harm, since in whosever hands it may be, it must be spent at last, and thus, they think, return to the poor again. This fallacy has been again and again exposed; but granting the plea true, the same apology may, of course, be made for blackmail, or any other form of robbery. It might be ( though practically it never is) as advantageous for the notion that the robber should have the spending of the money he extorts, as that the person robbed should have spent it. But this is no excuse for the theft. If I were to put a tollgate on the road where it passes my own gate, and endeavor to extract a shilling from every passenger, the public would soon do away with my gate, without listening to any pleas on my part that it was as advantageous to them, in the end, that I should spend their shillings, as that they themselves
A. it is an act of robbery.
B. it is an impractical plan.
C. it will break the law.
D. it can make people rich.

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Text 3
There is a confused notion in the minds of many people that the gathering of the property of the poor into the hands of the rich does no ultimate harm, since in whosever hands it may be, it must be spent at last, and thus, they think, return to the poor again. This fallacy has been again and again exposed; but granting the plea true, the same apology may, of course, be made for blackmail, or any other form of robbery. It might be ( though practically it never is) as advantageous for the notion that the robber should have the spending of the money he extorts, as that the person robbed should have spent it. But this is no excuse for the theft. If I were to put a tollgate on the road where it passes my own gate, and endeavor to extract a shilling from every passenger, the public would soon do away with my gate, without listening to any pleas on my part that it was as advantageous to them, in the end, that I should spend their shillings, as that they themselves
A. The poor are not the master of themselves.
B. The poor fail to see the real power of the operation of capital.
C. The poor do not understand that they are buying things they do not need.
D. The laborers are always deceived by the rich who pretend to be benefactors.


Text 3 There is a confused notion in the minds of many people that the gathering of the property of the poor into the hands of the rich does no ultimate harm, since in whosever hands it may be, it must be spent at last, and thus, they think, return to the poor again. This fallacy has been again and again exposed; but granting the plea true, the same apology may, of course, be made for blackmail, or any other form of robbery. It might be ( though practically it never is) as advantageous for the notion that the robber should have the spending of the money he extorts, as that the person robbed should have spent it. But this is no excuse for the theft. If I were to put a tollgate on the road where it passes my own gate, and endeavor to extract a shilling from every passenger, the public would soon do away with my gate, without listening to any pleas on my part that it was as advantageous to them, in the end, that I should spend their shillings, as that they themselves should.
A. it is an act of robbery.
B. it is an impractical plan.
C. it will break the law.
D. it can make people rich.

[单项选择]According to the author, the conventional notion of intelligence measured in terms of one's ability to read, write and compute______.

Text 4
"There is a senseless notion that children grow up and leave home when they are 18, and the truth is far from that," says sociologist Lary Bumpass of the University of Wisconsin. Today, unexpected numbers of young adults are living with their parents. "There is a major shift in the middle class," declares sociologist Allasn Schnaiberg of Northwestern University, whose son, 19, moved back in after an absence of eight months.
Analysts cite a variety of reasons for this return to the nest. The marriage age is rising, a condition that makes home and its pleasantness particularly attractive to young people. A high divorce rate and a declining remarriage rate are sending economically pressed and emotionally hurt survivors back to parental shelters. For some, the expense of an away-from-home college education has become so excessively great that many students now attend local schools. Even after graduation, young people find their .wings
A. Parents have some financial and personal freedom
B. Children have not any financial and personal freed6m
C. Parents have to continue supporting their children
D. Children have responsibilities to support their parents


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