Humour, which ought to give rise to
only the most light-hearted and gay feelings, can often stir up vehemence and
animosity. Evidently it is dearer to us than we realize. Men will take almost
any kind of criticism except the observation that they have no sense of humour.
A man will admit to being a coward or a liar or a thief or a poor mechanic or a
bad swimmer, but tell him he has a dreadful sense of humour and you might as
well have slandered his mother. Even if he is civilized enough to pretend to
make light of your statement, he will still secretly believe that he has not
only a good sense of humour but one superior to most. He has, in other words, a
completely blind spot on the subject. This is all the more surprising when you
consider that not one man in ten million can give you any kind of intelligent
answer as to what humour is o A. dispassionate B. unsatisfactory C. satisfactory D. intelligent [单项选择]为了防止火灾,施焊处离可燃物品的安全距离至少为(),并有防火材料遮挡
A. 1m B. 2m C. 3m D. 10m [单项选择]脂肪管型最有助于诊断
A. 急性肾盂肾炎 B. 慢性肾炎晚期 C. 急性肾炎 D. 肾病综合征 E. 急性肾小管坏死 [单项选择]公称直径小于600mm的液体管道宜采用()。
A. 水冲洗 B. 蒸汽吹扫 C. 空气吹扫 D. 燃气吹扫 [单项选择]做好工会劳动保护工作的意义不包括以下()项内容。
A. 做好工会劳动保护工作是由工会的性质和职能所决定的 B. 做好工会劳动保护工作是企业发展的需要 C. 做好工会劳动保护工作是党和国家赋予工会的职责和权利 [多选题]吸毒成瘾人员有下列()情形的,由县级以上人民政府公安机关作出强制隔离戒毒的决定。
A.拒绝接受社区戒毒的 B.在社区戒毒期间吸食.注射毒品的 C.严重违反社区戒毒协议的 D.经社区戒毒后再次吸食.注射毒品的 [多选题]关于物业服务企业提供物业服务合同约定以外的服务项目的说法,正确的有( ).
A.提供这种服务,是物业服务企业的法定义务 B.这种服务,原则上是一种有偿服务 C.提供这种服务,需经业主委员会同意 D.提供这种服务,需由特定的业主和物业服务企业另行约定 E.服务项目,必须是公共性质的物业服务 [简答题]ZYJ7橡胶油管转角半径不少 mm,槽道外管路胶管防护零号,油管外观无较大龟裂。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]6SIGMA的核心是关注().
A. 企业 B. 顾客 C. 战略 D. 企业和顾客的双赢 [单选题]你指挥一小队突击队员与敌方交火,有一战士在交火中受伤,这时你首先应怎么办
( ) A.将伤员移动到掩体 B.指挥伤员自己移动到掩体 C.不移动伤员,立即就地展开急救 D.判断战场环境,压制敌方火力 E.组织伤员后送 [单选题]CPU安装电池时需要注意电池方向,使UP↑字样在电池( )端并把电池插口与主板连接。
A.上 B.下 C.左 D.右 [填空题]Financial Risks
Several types of financial risk are encountered in international marketing; the major problems include commercial, political and foreign exchange risks. Commercial risks are handled essentially as normal credit risks encountered in day-to-day business. They include solvency, default, or refusal to pay bills. The major risk, (8) which can only be dealt with through consistently effective management and marketing. One unique risk encountered by the international marketer involves financial adjustments. Such risk is encountered when a controversy arises about the quality of goods delivered, a dispute over contract terms, or (9) . One company, for example, shipped several hundred tons of dehydrated potatoes to a distributor in Germany. The distributor tested the shipment and declared it to be below acceptable taste and texture standards. The alternatives for the exporter were reducing the price, reselling the potatoes, or shipping them home again 我来回答: 提交