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发布时间:2024-02-15 18:39:37

[单项选择]The best-known reformer in the mid-19th century is ______,who developed an approach to teaching a foreign language on the basis of his observations of child first language learning.
A. A.M. Berlitz
B. B.W. Wundt
C. C.J. Comenius
D. D. Gouin

更多"The best-known reformer in the mid-"的相关试题:

[单项选择]In which century was Christianity rapidly surpassing the other religions of the Roman Empire

A. The 1st century AD.
B. The 2nd century AD.
C. The 3rd century A
D. D. The 4th century AD.

Passage Four
During the twentieth century there has been a great change in the lives of women. A woman marrying at the end of the nineteenth century would probably have been in her middle twenties, and would be likely to have seven or eight children, of whom four or five lived till they were five years old. By the time the Youngest was fifteen, the mother would have been in her early fifties and would expect to live a further twenty years, during which chance and health made it unusual for them to get paid work. Today women marry younger and have fewer children. Usually a woman’ s youngest child will be fifteen when she is forty-five and she can be expected to live another thirty-five years and is likely to take paid work until sixty.
This important change in women’ s life has only recently begun to have its full effect on women’s economic position. Even a few years ago most girls left school and took a full-time job. However, when they ma
A. give up their jobs for good after they are married
B. leave school as soon as they can
C. marry so that they can get a job
D. continue working until they are going to have a baby

[单项选择]Eighteenth-century statesmen were totally convinced that war could be used as ______ settling disputes.
A. a mean to
B. a means for
C. some means for
D. meanses for
[单项选择]The eighteenth century witnessed the emergence of North American ports, particular Boston, New York, and Philadelphia, as major commercial centers within the British empire.
[单项选择]According to this passage, the nineteenth century seems to be an age of ______.

A. enlightenment
B. literature
C. journals
D. homesteaders
[单项选择]The passage suggests that twentieth-century Marxists would have admired Jane Austin ' s novels more if the novels as the Marxists understood them, had ______.
A. described the values of upper-middle class society
B. avoided moral instruction and sermonizing
C. depicted ordinary society in a more flattering light
D. portrayed characters from more than one class of society
[单项选择]The 17 th century English physician William Harvey discovered the _______ of the blood.
A. circulation
B. Circus
C. circumstance
D. circuit
[单项选择]The twentieth century has witnessed an enormous worldwide political, economic and cultural______.
A. tradition
B. transportation
C. transmission
D. transformation
[单项选择]During the industrialized twentieth century, the role of women _________.
A. was strengthened
B. was as important as early
C. was decline
D. was more reinforced than early days
[单项选择]In the nineteenth century, poor Europeans seeking to make their fortunes turned to America as a matter of course().
A. automatically
B. obviously
C. traditionally
D. resignedly
[单项选择]According to the author, in the nineteenth century people gradually ______.

A. emigrated to other countries
B. often settled in the West
C. tended to change the place in which they lived
D. had a higher rate of birth than ever before

Text 1
In sixteenth-century Italy and eighteenth-century France, waning prosperity and increasing social unrest led the ruling families to try to preserve their superiority by withdrawing from the lower and middle classes behind barriers of etiquette. In a prosperous community, on the other hand, polite society soon absorbs the newly rich, and in England there has never been any shortage of books on etiquette for teaching them the manners appropriate to their new way of life.
Every code of etiquette has contained three elements= basic moral duties; practical rules which promote efficiency; and artificial, optional graces such as formal compliments to, say, women on their beauty or superiors on their generosity and importance.
In the first category are consideration for weak and respect for age. Among the ancient Egyptians the young always stood in the presence of older people. Among the Mponguwe of Tanzania, the young men bow as they pass the huts o
A. tried to destroy the lower and middle classes using etiquette.
B. discriminated against the lower class using etiquette.
C. tried to teach etiquette to the lower and middle classes.
D. put the middle and working classes into fenced enclosures.

[单项选择]In the nineteenth century, abortion was only allowed ______

A. when the woman was not well with herself
B. when surgical procedures were unsafe
C. when the mother requested to have one
D. while the family was in financial straits

At the beginning of the century, medical scientists made a surprising discovery: that we are (1) not just of flesh and blood but also of time. They were able to (2) that we all have an internal "body clock" which (3) the rise and fall of our body energies, making us different from one day to the (5) . These forces became known as biorhythms: they create the (5) in our everyday life.
The (6) of an internal "body clock" should not be too surprising, (7) the lives of most living things are dominated by the 24-hour night-and-day cycle. The most obvious (8) of this cycle is the (9) we feel tired and fall asleep at night and become awake and (10) during the day. (11) the 24-hour rhythm is interrupted, most people experience unpleasant side effects.
(12) , international aeroplane travelers often experience "jet lag" when traveling across time (13) . Pe
A. particularly
B. specifically
C. apparently
D. virtually


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