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发布时间:2024-03-11 00:11:39

[单项选择]In Science/Health, "Johns Hopking" is.

A. a famous university
B. a medical centre
C. well-known doctor
D. a drug company

更多"In Science/Health, 'Johns Hopking' "的相关试题:

[单项选择]In Science/Health, "Tom Smith" is______.
A. a famous university
B. a medical center
C. a well-known doctor
D. a drug company
[单项选择]The cost of health care and health insurance remains the most urgent health problem facing the country today.( )
A. pressing
B. important
C. neglected
D. complicated
[单项选择]When Mr. Johns get old, he will () over his business to his son.
A. take
B. hand
C. think
D. get
[单项选择]When Mr. Johns get old, he will()over his business to his son.
A. take
B. hand
C. think
D. get
[单项选择]The Johns’sons have been on holiday ________ the end of June.

A. since
B. for
C. at
[单项选择]The Johns travelled __________ China last year.

A. on
B. over
C. through
[单项选择]Equipped with modern science and technology people of today feel many assertions which were once taken as ______ truth absurd.
A. religious
B. profound
C. sacred
D. prominent
[单项选择]With the development in science and technology man can make various flowers ______ before their time.

A. be bloomed
B. bloom
C. bloomed
D. blooming
[单项选择]Nuclear science should be developed to benefit the people ______ harm them.

A. more than
B. rather than
C. other than
D. better than

Science writer Tom Standage draws apt parallels between the telegraph and the gem of late 20th century technology, the Internet. Both systems grew out of the cutting edge science of their time. The telegraphs land lines, underwater cables, and clicking gadgets reflected the 19th century’s research in electromagnetism. The Interacts computers and high-speed connections reflected the 19th century computer science, information theory, and materials technology.
But, while gizmos make a global network possible, it takes human cooperation to make it happen. Standage’s insight in this regard adds depth to his technological history, he under scores the relevance to our own time of the struggles of Samuel Morse in America, William Cooke in England, and other telegraph pioneers. They made the technology work efficiently, sold it to a skeptical public, and overcame national and international bureaucratic obstacles. The solutions they found smooth the Internets way today.
A. the development of global telegraph network
B. the popularity of the Internet
C. the breakup of provincialism
D. the well-connected radio and TV system


Society was fascinated by science and things scientific in the nineteenth century. Great breakthroughs in engineering, the use of steam power, and electricity were there for all to see, enjoy, and suffer. Science was fashionable and it is not surprising that, during this great period of industrial development, scientific methods should be applied to the activities of man, particularly to those involved in the processes of production. Towards the end of the nineteenth century international competition began to make itself felt. The three industrial giants of the day, Germany, America, and Great Britain, began to find that there was a limit to the purchasing power of the previously apparently inexhaustible markets. Science and competition therefore provided the means and the need to improve industrial efficiency.
Frederick Winslow Taylor is generally acknowledged as being the father of the scientific management approach, as a result of the publication of his book. The Princ
A. his application of scientific methods to work
B. his book named The Principles of Scientific Management
C. his various innovations in steel processing
D. the spreading of his scientific management method

[单项选择]This division of science into two distinct cultural traditions, located in different types of institution, is highly______, but in recent years these two cultures have begun to______one another.
A. (A) influential… disregard
B. (B) unlikely… join
C. (C) suspect… benefit
D. (D) propitious … separate from
E. (E) pronounced … merge with
[单项选择]The newly developing science of artificial intelligence aims at programming the computer to think, reason and react ______ people do.

A. by the same way as
B. in much the same way that
C. with the same way as
D. as much as the same way that
[单项选择]Which is TRUE about the Maryland Science

A. Visitors can play and learn at the same time.
B. It helps visitors travel to other countries.
C. It can be visited 24 hours a day.


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