Olympic Games are held every four years
at a different site, in which athletes (21) different
nations compete against each other in a (22) of sports.
There are two types of Olympics, the Summer Olympics and the Winter
Olympics. In order to (23) the Olympics, a city must submit a proposal to the International Olympic Committee (IOC). After all proposals have been (24) , the IOC votes. If no city is successful in gaining a majority in the first vote, the city with the fewest votes is eliminated, and voting continues, with (25) rounds, until a majority winner is determined. Typically the Games are awarded several years in advance, (26) the winning city time to prepare for the Games. In selecting the (27) of the Olympic Games, the IOC considers a number of factors, chief among them which city h A. thinks B. reckons C. considers D. calculates [填空题]机车应有识别的标记:路徽、配属局段简称、车型、车号、()、制造厂名及日期。
[单选题]LKJ-2000监控装置反方向运行时,在( )信号机前按压[进路号]键,输入反方向支线号“8”,装置进入反方向控制模式。
A.出站 B.发车进路 C.接车进路 D.出站或发车进路 [单选题]手推调车,须取得( )的同意,人力制动机作用必须良好,有胜任人员负责制动。
A.调车领导人 B.调车指挥人 C.监控干部 D.连结员 [单选题]城市轨道交通运营过程中发生的因列车冲突、脱轨,设施设备故障、损毁,以及 等情况。
A.大客流 B.客伤 C.乘客应急疏散 D.火灾 [判断题]对金属井架.井筒罐道梁和其他装备的固定和锈蚀情况,每年应检查1次。()( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]安全仪表系统,简称 SIS,其中第一个 S 指的是( )。
A.System B.Safety C.Safaly [单选题]从业人员当发现直接危及自身安全的紧急情况时,( )。
A.采取一切技术手段抢险救灾 B.要立即向现场安全管理人员报告 C.在采取必要的个人防护措施后,在现场静观事态变化 D.有权停止作业或在采取可能的应急措施后撤离作业现场 [多项选择]英国公务员考试一般分为以下步骤()
A. 面试 B. 统测 C. 资格审查 D. 专业考核 E. 口试答辩 [单选题]高性能混凝土对C50等级混凝土,采用震动成形时,混凝土的胶凝材料最大量一般限制在()千克/立方米。
A.700 B.600 C.500 D.480 [单选题]车统-25是()。
A.车辆检修通知单 B.车辆破损技术记录 C.车辆修俊通知单 D.检修车回送单 [判断题]润滑油主要功用是减摩、冷却冲洗和密封。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在接触网线路上给机车、车辆上水时,必须( );拔下水管前必须先关闭阀门。
A.先接水管,后开阀门 B.先开阀门, 后接水管 C.边接水管边缓缓打开阀门 [单项选择]
PRESTIGE 1 Prestige refers to a person’s social standing--the level of respect that other people are willing to show. A person with high prestige is honored or esteemed by other people, while a person with low prestige is disrespected or marginalized. Prestige is a valued resource for people at all levels of a society, and this can be seen among inner-city youth, where to disrespect or "diss" someone has negative consequences. Exactly what qualities are respected will vary from one society to another. 2 In the United States, the top-status occupations are the professions--physicians, lawyers, professors, and clergy--requiring many years of education and training. At the other end of the hierarchy, the lowest prestige is associated with occupations requiring littie formal education--for example, bus drivers, sanitation workers, and janitors. Prestige is linked to income, but there are exceptions, such as college professors, who ha A. The most valuable resource in any society is prestige, but young people who disrespect others reject this. B. People at all social levels value prestige, and to disrespect another is punished, for example, among urban youth. C. The disrespectful behavior of some young people shows that prestige is not valued equally throughout a society. D. There are serious consequences when teenagers from the inner city do not show respect for other groups. [判断题]营销服务场所应按照灭火和应急疏散预案,定期组织消防演练,并
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]因___等因素造成电量偏差的,经政府相关主管部门认定后,免予偏差考核。 (多选题)(2分)
A.不可抗力 B.企业自身原因 C.电网安全原因 D.预估错误 [单选题]被电击伤并经过心肺复苏抢救成功的电击伤员,都应让其充分休息,并在医务人员指导下进行不少于( )h的心脏监护。
A.12 B.24 C.36 D.48 [单选题] 液压千斤顶是属于()液压传动
A.静力式 B.动力式 C.混合式 我来回答: 提交