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发布时间:2024-07-19 06:23:35


"One time, I couldn’t find Paro and was looking for ’him’ everywhere," says one caretaker at the Kirara nursing home in Japan’s Nanto City. "Finally I found Paro sleeping in a patient’s bed."
Paro is a robotic baby seal -- covered with white fur -- that was developed over 12 years at a cost of some $10 million by Japan’s National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology. Nanto is one of the first cities in the world to experiment using robots to help care for the elder citizens.
According to the nursing staff, Paro, which responds to human voices and loving touches, has become part of the family. In fact, nurses often find elderly patients covering the robot in blankets and trying to feed it snacks, even though Paro can’t really eat.
It’s no surprise that Japan is turning to technology for help with one of its most troublesome problems: an aging population. Japan is
A. They are family pets.
B. They are robotic caretakers.
C. They are robotic animal companions.
D. They are toys for senior citizens.

更多""One time, I couldn’t fi"的相关试题:


"One time, I couldn’t find Paro and was looking for ’him’ everywhere," says one caretaker at the Kirara nursing home in Japan’s Nanto City. "Finally I found Paro sleeping in a patient’s bed."
Paro is a robotic baby seal -- covered with white fur -- that was developed over 12 years at a cost of some $10 million by Japan’s National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology. Nanto is one of the first cities in the world to experiment using robots to help care for the elder citizens.
According to the nursing staff, Paro, which responds to human voices and loving touches, has become part of the family. In fact, nurses often find elderly patients covering the robot in blankets and trying to feed it snacks, even though Paro can’t really eat.
It’s no surprise that Japan is turning to technology for help with one of its most troublesome problems: an aging population. Japan is
A. suspicious
B. confused
C. optimistic
D. disagreeing

[单项选择]To find oneself one has to know ______.
A. his strong points
B. his weak points
C. both his strong and weak points
D. what he likes

Text 2
"We find that the fleeting uses of the wordsK ‘penis’,‘vaginal’,‘ass’,‘bastard’ and ‘ bitch’uttered in the context of the programs cited in the complaints, do not render the material patently offensive under contemporary community standards for the broadcast medium." Making decisions like this is one of the more thankless tasks of America’s media regulator, the Federal Communications Commission. Since 1927 the FCC has tried to protect children from "indecency"--sexual content and swear words--on broadcast television and radio.
Under pressure from social conservatives, America’s politicians are now threatening to extend indecency regulation further. If they get their way, not just broadcast television and radio but cable and satellite TV, and possibly satellite radio, would be monitored by the FCC for indecency. America’s media firms have been shaken by t
A. capability of keeping the young from violence.
B. context of contemporary community.
C. complaints of programs.
D. standards for the broadcast media.


Passage One
One friend once said to me, "Do you know that most college students can’t even put semi-colons(分号) in the right place" Emphatic voices like his have recently made writing courses popular, strangely popular because of their hard-nosed attitude toward correct writing. Most administrators and teachers extend this medicinal metaphor (隐喻), they agree that students are suffering from a serious disease. Many tests identify increasing numbers of student writers as skills cripples (跛子), and they need treatment. Remedial courses are given everywhere. More writing labs are appearing and expanding.
Many students are willing to believe that there is really something wrong with them. More students than ever before tell me and my colleagues that they are indeed bad writers and need lots of help with grammar and punctuation. I feel like a doctor, my job is to diagnose (诊断) the disease and prescribe cures whenever I read student writing, I
A. To describe some successful doctors
B. To compare poor writers with diseased people
C. To tell the teachers why some students are poor in health
D. To show the importance of a teacher’s job


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