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发布时间:2023-10-24 21:58:09


In our population, which is now about 167 million, it is estimated there are more than 33 million people with I. Q. ’s below 90; it is a disturbing thought that these people will never, at any age, read much more than comic books, newspaper headlines, and the simplest of best sellers, nor will they be able to make intelligent judgments on any complicated, important national or international problem. The intellectuals, of course, are at the other end of the scale, they are people with I. Q. ’s of 130 or more, and there are slightly more than five million. From130 to the top of the scale, there are only 2.1 million people. Careful tests have shown that at least half of these high I.Q. people are never discovered, do not go to college, and live out their lives in humble, even though usually respected, occupations. The identified intellectual, therefore, will at best be only one person in 46, and is more likely to be one person in 150. It is not surprising that he feels a
A. intellectually, our population is not homogeneous
B. regardless of I. Q. , people must learn to live and work together
C. high-I. Q. people are inclined to be more critical than low-I. Q. people
D. people should constantly seek to improve their I. Q. levels

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In our population, which is now about 167 million, it is estimated there are more than 33 million people with I. Q. ’s below 90; it is a disturbing thought that these people will never, at any age, read much more than comic books, newspaper headlines, and the simplest of best sellers, nor will they be able to make intelligent judgments on any complicated, important national or international problem. The intellectuals, of course, are at the other end of the scale, they are people with I. Q. ’s of 130 or more, and there are slightly more than five million. From130 to the top of the scale, there are only 2.1 million people. Careful tests have shown that at least half of these high I.Q. people are never discovered, do not go to college, and live out their lives in humble, even though usually respected, occupations. The identified intellectual, therefore, will at best be only one person in 46, and is more likely to be one person in 150. It is not surprising that he feels a
A. disapprove of the mental activities of people at any other level
B. be unconcerned about the mental activities of people at other level
C. have a deep sympathy for people with low I. Q.
D. find a stimulating challenge in the mental activities of the intellectual

[单项选择]What do experiments show about our memories
A. We are more likely to remember things we do than things we see.
B. People always remember pleasant things rather than unpleasant ones.
C. Our ability to remember something depends on our feelings when it happens.
D. We tend to have better long-term memories than short-term memories.
[单项选择]With a population of around 4 million people, Melbourne is the ______ largest city in Australia.

A. two
B. twice
C. second
D. double
[单项选择]()cared about our sufferings like you.
A. Never before anyone has
B. Has anyone never before
C. Before has anyone never
D. Never before has anyone
[单项选择]Man: Shall I call you to let you know about our rehearsal
Woman: By all means.
Question: What do we learn from the woman's response
[单项选择]Yesterday, the director ______ of me about our work.
A. requite
B. acquire
C. inquire
D. squire
[单项选择]I know nothing about our teacher ______ he's been teaching for years.
A. besides
B. but
C. except
D. except that
[单项选择]Let me tell you about our plans ______ the trip.

A. of
B. for
C. on
[单项选择]Which is true about words
A. They are used to express thoughts only.
B. They can be spoken, but can not be written down.
C. They are simply sounds.
D. They are not completely known to the world.
[单项选择]Which is NOT mentioned about the factors which can influence the life span of freezers

A. Humidity.
B. Proper care.
C. The amount of storage.
D. Surrounding temperatur


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