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发布时间:2023-10-23 04:54:11

[单项选择]Right -handed people are about ______ of the total of the human beings.
A. 95%
B. 90%
C. 10%
D. 5%

更多"Right -handed people are about ____"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Right -handed people are about ______ of the total of the human beings.
A. 95%
B. 90%
C. 10%
D. 5%

Passage Three
Most people are right-handed and children usually have the same handedness as their parents. This suggests that genes are at work. But identical twins have identical genes, so genes cannot be the whole story. Cultural attitudes seem to have played an important part in the development of hand preferences. In the past, left-handed have suffered anything from teasing to flogging. Even today in some countries en forced right-handedness, particularly for writing and eating, is still common.
To explain the observed patterns of handedness, researchers have devised what is known as a’ geneculture coevolution’ model. The initial assumption of the model-drawn from observation of non-human primates and other mammals such as mice-is that early on in human evolution, the genetic make-up of individuals inclined them to prefer one hand or the other, but that the population was equally divided between right and left-handed people. Over time, accor
A. handedness is solely determined by genes
B. handedness is solely determined by culture
C. handedness is determined by both genes and culture
D. handedness may be determined by factors other than genes and culture

[单项选择]White people account for about ______ of the total population of Americ

A. A. 75%B. 85%C. 45%D. 95%
[单项选择]What did people think about Jimmy

[单项选择]What are these people talking about

A. The room.
B. The heat.
C. The workload.
D. The air-conditioner.
[单项选择]What did people say about him
A. They said he was a famous writer.
B. They said he was an important modern painter.
C. They said his painting was important and Contemporary.
D. They said he was an important contemporary.
[单项选择]What are all these people talking about

A. Reading software.
B. A reading course.
C. A good service.
D. A class program.
[单项选择]What do people know about early dolls

A. They were first made of wood or stone.
B. They were invented in Greek.
C. They were meant to bring good luck.
D. They were children’s favourite toys.
[单项选择]What is not right about the man and woman

A. They are husband and wife.
B. They are having their honeymoon.
C. They have been married for a long time.
D. They are staying in a hotel.
[单项选择]Why were people sensitive about whether Bush Clapped or Shook hands with Schroeder

A. Because the two are both leaders of a nation.
B. Because people were curious about national leaders.
C. Because Schroeder was against Bush.
D. Because such behaviors indicate the relation between the two nations.


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