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发布时间:2023-10-14 08:47:28

[单项选择]The National Institute of Mental Health is conducting a far-reaching research to determine the psychological effects of using drug.
A. extensive
B. refined
C. prevalent
D. tentative

更多"The National Institute of Mental He"的相关试题:

[单项选择]According to the passage, the mental health problem may originate from _______.

A. a lack of ability to find a girlfriend.
B. the pressure of earning money.
C. the desire for college admission.
D. the desire to be perfect.
[单项选择]A woman seeking help at a community mental health center complains of fatigue, sensitivity to criticism, decreased libido, and feeling self-conscious. She also has aches and pains. Which of the following might be a nursing diagnosis for this client
A. Delayed growth and development.
B. Ineffective role performance.
C. Posttrauma syndrome.
D. Chronic low self-esteem.
[单项选择]The nurse is teaching a new group of mental health aides. The nurse should teach the aides that setting limits is most important for ().
A. a depressed client.
B. a manic client.
C. a suicidal client.
D. an anxious client.
[单项选择]The nurse is teaching a new mental health aide. For which of the following clients is setting limits most important
A. A depressed client.
B. A manic client.
C. A suicidal client.
D. An anxious client.
[单项选择]A 58-year-old client on a mental health unit has lost control, despite having been properly medicated, and is threatening to harm himself and others. He has been placed in four- point restraints. Which nursing measure should be taken next ?()
A. Release one restraint every 15 minutes.
B. Have a staff member stay with the client at all times.
C. Leave the client alone to reduce his sensory stimulation and allow him to regain control.
D. Restrict fluids until the restraint period is over.
[单项选择]What has led to the failure of the mental-health professionals' collecting sufficient data

A. They fall into stereotypes resulted from the influence of racism.
B. They have language problems while communicating with the women.
C. They want to protect the women from racism.
D. Bangladeshi women do not want to tell the psychologists their feelings.
[单项选择]______ people with mental-health problems want most of all is a more equal and open working culture.

A. That
B. What
C. When
D. All what
[单项选择]The National Health Service in Britain offers a full package of medical service to ______.

A. the unemployed
B. every resident
C. citizens under the age of 16
D. residents aged over 60
[单项选择]It seems that mental activities are characteristic of______
A. all plants and animals
B. some insects
C. human beings
D. some machines
[单项选择]At the Better Baby Institute
A. the idea of "normal" achievement was challenged.
B. children needed seven years to develop normality.
C. unnatural development of normal children was achieved.
D. normal children developed at an unusual standard rate.
[单项选择]The cost of health care and health insurance remains the most urgent health problem facing the country today.( )
A. pressing
B. important
C. neglected
D. complicated
[单项选择]Mental development of young children is impaired mainly by ______.

A. vitamin A deficiency
B. iron deficiency
C. iodine deficiency
D. protein-energy malnutrition
[单项选择]All metals are found not to conduct electricity equally well()
A. 人们发现并不是所有金属的导电性能都一样好。
B. 人们发现所有金属不能同等用来导电。
C. 所有金属被发现不能同样好地发电。
D. 人们发现所的金属并不都是为了很好地发电。
[单项选择]At the present time, experiments are being conducted in ______.

A. 30-day" outlooks"
B. predicting storms
C. controlling weather
D. determining density of pressure groups


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