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发布时间:2023-11-07 06:08:59

[单项选择]The arguments that cloning will have harmful effects ______.
A. are very convincing
B. have forced people to stop cloning
C. have forced people to question the concept of cloning
D. have compelled people to debate the implications of cloning

更多"The arguments that cloning will hav"的相关试题:

[单项选择]That genetically-modified crops could have harmful effects that can be deduced from the fact that ______.
A. cross-breeding is a natural process
B. hybrids are generally more successful at breeding than natural plants
C. gene movement between cultivated plants and wild ones is inevitable
D. new research shows that genetically-modified plants are likely to develop into weeds
[单项选择]Many of his arguments have no pertinence to the subject under discussion.
A. significance
B. value
C. enlightenment
D. relevance
[单项选择]Often such arguments have the effect of ______ rather than clarifying the issues involved.
A. blocking
B. obscuring
C. tackling
D. prejudicing
[单项选择]Often such arguments have the effect of __________ rather than clarifying the issues involved.
A. obscuring
B. prejudicing
C. tackling
D. blocking
[单项选择]I have found some articles ______ the harmful effects of drinking.
A. being concerned
B. concerned
C. to concern
D. concerning
[单项选择]Recently the young couples have _______ arguments with each other for trifles.
A. continual
B. persistent
C. continuous
D. permanent
[单项选择]Muren feels that with CG technology, special effects can be used to make movies more expressive.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements is not the effect of The Great Depression started in 1929
A. The serions shortage of money was felt everywhere.
B. Agriculture was hit even harder, for many farmers had already been in debt before the crisis.
C. More and more people lost their job.
D. The future seemed especially bright for those who were willing to work hard and take some risks.
[单项选择]Until what time will the tornado watch be in effect

[单项选择]Nothing enables a young person to grow up so effectively as being put into a responsible position in which what he or she does clearly count()
A. 没有什么做法比这种做法更能使一个年轻人成长为一个有用之人,这就是把他放在一个使他明显显示工作价值和有一定责任的位置上。
B. 应该把一个人放在一个使他能明显显示出他的工作价值、担负某种责任的位置上,没有什么比这更能有效地使一个年轻人成长为一个有用之才的了。
C. 把一个人放在一个使他能明显显示出他的工作价值并且负有一种责任的位置上,这比任何一种做法都能使一个人更能有效地成长为有用之才。
D. 没有什么事能如此有效地使一个年轻人成长,例如他被放在一个能使他表现其价值并在其中清楚地计数的位置上。
[单项选择]By saying that the bomb also has a deterrent effect the spokesman means that it ______


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