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发布时间:2023-11-17 15:02:18

[单项选择]The tunnels should be strengthened because of their ______ to an attack that could result in mass casualties.
A. punctuality
B. simuhaneity
C. vulnerability
D. reliability

更多"The tunnels should be strengthened "的相关试题:

[单项选择]The tunnels should be strengthened because of their ______ to an attack that could result in mass casualties.
A. punctuality
B. simuhaneity
C. vulnerability
D. reliability
[单项选择]The team should play very hard because the championship of the state was______.
A. at cost
B. at fault
C. at stake
D. at large
[单项选择]We should not rely on pocket calculators because ______.
A. they are not clever as our brains
B. they are harmful to our brains
C. we need to use our brains to prevent it from shrinking
D. we could not get enough practice on mathematics
[单项选择]Fear should be used properly because ______.
A. an airplane may crash on your house
B. you may get cancer
C. fear can only be used as a servant and guide
D. men are now letting fear rule them too much
[单项选择]Supermarket should play slow music because ______.
[单项选择]The passage suggests that scientists consider their understanding of gamma-bursts to be
A. (A) incomplete because they still have yet to establish a taxonomy of the various types of GHBs they have observed
B. (B) adequate enough to redirect research toward other more perplexing aspects of black holes
C. (C) unsurprising, given that scientists have long felt kinetic energy to play a role in the emergence of GHBs
D. (D) disappointing because the mechanism by which GHBs become visible is still poorly understood
E. (E) in need of confirmation through comparison with another astronomical phenomenon that involves electromagnetic bursts
[单项选择]One important reason why teachers are leaving their profession is that they are
A. only too irresponsible to abandon pupils permanently.
B. stuck in the conflict between government and unions.
C. more or less dissatisfied with their working conditions.
D. not motivated to work more than 35 hours per week.
[单项选择]Given the uniqueness of their alienation from their society and of their impact on it, the Russian intelligentsia of the nineteenth century were a phenomenon almost wholly______.
A. (A) ignored
B. (B) superlative
C. (C) unencumbered
D. (D) unparalleled
E. (E) redolent
[单项选择]The passage indicates that litigants who lose their cases in the state trial court may take them to a______.
A. different trial court in the same state
B. court in a different geographic region
C. federal trial court
D. state supreme court
[单项选择]We should be grateful to Adam Smith because______.
A. his ideas made it possible for people to improve their lives
B. he invented a more efficient way of pin making
C. he started the industrial revolution
D. he brought to people a high standard of living.
[单项选择]Many women prefer to use cosmetics to enhance their beauty and make them look younger.( )
A. enforce
B. magnify
C. improve
D. polish
[单项选择]The leaders of the two countries are planning their summit meeting with a pledge to maintain and develop good ties.( )
A. strategy
B. standpoint
C. promise
D. priority
[单项选择]The Bushes thanked Clinton again and again as their drowning son was saved by his ______ action.
A. urgent
B. instinctive
C. prompt
D. hasty
[单项选择]The findings of James and other scientists in their work______.
A. remain a theory to be further proved
B. have been challenged by many other experts
C. are practiced by the researchers themselves
D. have been generally accepted
[单项选择]As college teachers, they enjoy talking about their own specialties.
A. problems
B. experiences
C. interests
D. fields
[单项选择]In order to convince the director to agree on their plan, they______ a number of reports which supported their argument.

A. brought out
B. brought forth
C. call forth
D. put forward
[单项选择]Why did any of the unemployed feel ashamed of their condition

A. They imagined they were to blame for being out of work.
B. They had to live no the unemployment benefits.
C. They should have been working instead of doing nothing.
D. They had to admit that unemployment would probably continue


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