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发布时间:2023-10-23 08:43:08


Text 2 The domestic economy in the United States expanded in a remarkably vigorous and steady fashion. The revival in consumer confidence was reflected in the higher proportion of incomes spent for goods and services and the marked increase in consumer willingness to take on installment debt. A parallel strengthening in business psychology was manifested in a stepped-up rate of plant and equipment spending and a gradual pickup in expenses for inventory. Confidence in the economy was also reflected in the strength of the stock market and in the stability of the bond market. For the year as a whole, consumer and business sentiment benefited from the ease in East-West tensions. The bases of the business expansion were to be found mainly in the stimulative monetary and fiscal policies that had been pursued. Moreover, the restoration of sounder liquidity positions and tighter management control of production efficiency had also helped lay the groundwork for a strong expansion.
A. prevent payments deficit.
B. avoid inflationary pressures.
C. devalue the dollar.
D. increase the balance of trade.

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Text 2 The domestic economy in the United States expanded in a remarkably vigorous and steady fashion. The revival in consumer confidence was reflected in the higher proportion of incomes spent for goods and services and the marked increase in consumer willingness to take on installment debt. A parallel strengthening in business psychology was manifested in a stepped-up rate of plant and equipment spending and a gradual pickup in expenses for inventory. Confidence in the economy was also reflected in the strength of the stock market and in the stability of the bond market. For the year as a whole, consumer and business sentiment benefited from the ease in East-West tensions. The bases of the business expansion were to be found mainly in the stimulative monetary and fiscal policies that had been pursued. Moreover, the restoration of sounder liquidity positions and tighter management control of production efficiency had also helped lay the groundwork for a strong expansion.
A. the revival of stronger liquidity positions.
B. the stimulative monetary and fiscal policies.
C. the causes of business development for the period.
D. economic policy measures suggested by the President.


Text 2
The domestic economy in the United States expanded in a remarkably vigorous and steady fashion. The revival in consumer confidence was reflected in the higher proportion of incomes spent for goods and services and the marked increase in consumer willingness to take on installment debt. A parallel strengthening in business psychology was manifested in a stepped-up rate of plant and equipment spending and a gradual pickup in expenses for inventory. Confidence in the economy was also reflected in the strength of the stock market and in the stability of the bond market. For the year as a whole, consumer and business sentiment benefited from the ease in East-West tensions.
The bases of the business expansion were to be found mainly in the stimulative monetary and fiscal policies that had been pursued. Moreover, the restoration of sounder liquidity positions and tighter management control of production efficiency had also helped lay the groundwork for a st
A. the continuing expansion of the economy.
B. the growth of consumer purchasing power.
C. the consumers' confidence in the economy.
D. the soaring consumer incomes for spending.


Text 4
Students of United States history, seeking to identify the circumstances that encouraged the e- mergence of feminist movements, have thoroughly investigated the mid-nineteenth century American economic and social conditions that affected the status of women. These historians, however, have analyzed less fully the development of specifically feminist ideas and activities during the same period.
Furthermore, the ideological origins of feminism in the United States have been obscured be- cause, even when historians did take into account those feminist ideas and activities occurring within the United States, they failed to recognize that feminism was then a truly international movement actually centered in Europe. American feminist activists who have been described as "solitary" and "individual theorists" were in reality connected to a movement -- utopian socialism -- which was al- ready popularizing feminist ideas in Europe during th
A. the culminating achievement of the utopian socialist movement.
B. the work of American activists who were independent of feminists abroad.
C. a manifestation of an international movement for social change and feminism.
D. primarily a product of nineteenth-century Saint-Simonian feminist thought.


Text 4 Students of United States history, seeking to identify the circumstances that encouraged the e- mergence of feminist movements, have thoroughly investigated the mid-nineteenth century American economic and social conditions that affected the status of women. These historians, however, have analyzed less fully the development of specifically feminist ideas and activities during the same period. Furthermore, the ideological origins of feminism in the United States have been obscured be- cause, even when historians did take into account those feminist ideas and activities occurring within the United States, they failed to recognize that feminism was then a truly international movement actually centered in Europe. American feminist activists who have been described as "solitary" and "individual theorists" were in reality connected to a movement -- utopian socialism -- which was al- ready popularizing feminist ideas in Europe during the two decades th
A. approval of the specific focus of their research.
B. approval of their general focus on social conditions.
C. disapproval of their lack of attention to the issue that absorbed most of the Saint-Simonians’ energy after 1832.
D. disapproval of their lack of attention to links between the Saint-Simonians and their American counterparts.


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