Text 3 Eating better and more adventurously is becoming an obsession, especially among people with money to spend. Healthier eating and not-so healthy eating--as well as the number and variety of food choices and venues continue to increase at an ever-quick-ening pace. Globalization is the master trend that will drive the world of food in the years a head. Consumers traveling the globe, both virtually and in reality, will be able to sweep up ingredients, packaged foods, recipes, and cooking techniques from every corner of the earth at an ever-intensifying and accelerating pace. Formerly remote ingredients and cooking styles are creating a whole new culinary mosaic as they are transplanted and reinterpreted all over the world. Many factors are behind this, but none more so than the influence of the great international hotel chains. Virtually every chef who has worked for Hilton, Westin, Peninsula, or any other major chain gathers global experience in locales as diverse as S
A. globalization.
B. remote ingredients and cooking styles.
C. great international hotel chains.
D. chefs of various nationalities.
Almost every family buys at least one
copy of a newspaper every day. Some people subscribe(订阅) to as many as two or
three newspapers. But why do people read newspapers Five hundred years ago, news of important happenings - battles lost and won, kings or rulers overthrown(推翻)or killed took months and even years to travel from one country to another. The news passed by word of mouth and was never accurate. Today we can read in our newspapers of important events that occur in far away countries on the some day they happen. Apart from supplying news from all over the world, newspapers give us a lot of other useful information. There are weather reports, radio, television and film guides, book reviews, stories and, of course, advertisements. (76) The bigger ones are put in by large companies to bring attention to their produ [单选题]体循环血液流动的路径是
A.从左心室出发回流到右心房 B.从左心室出发回流到左心房 C.从右心室出发回流到左心房 D.从右心室出发回流到右心房 E.以上都不对 [单项选择]广东农村信用社办理单位结算账户存款业务的交易结果确认不包括以下哪一项操作?()
A. 核对打印的账号、户名、金额、币种与客户填写的现金缴款单、进账单、结算业务委托书内容是否相符 B. 相关内容审核无误后,业务交易单交客户核对,签名确认后加盖相关讫章 C. 如果是支票转出,支票加盖附件章 D. 登记《开立银行结算账户申请书》 [单项选择]医药产品对( )规定较为严格。
A. 性能指标 B. 寿命指标 C. 可靠性指标 D. 安全性指标 [单选题]施工现场配电母线和架空配电线路中,标志L1( A)、L2( B)、L3( C)三相相序的绝缘色应是( )。
A.黄、绿、红 B.红、黄、绿 C.红、绿、黄 D. 黄、红、绿 [简答题]为什么热态启动时,一般规定新蒸汽温度应高于调节级金属温度50℃以上?
A.网络在断网半小时后又恢复 B.费额显示器不显示金额 C.收费窗口的图像区域显示红屏 D.票据的起始号输错 [多选题]加压前应认真检查校验接线,使用规范的( ),表计倍率、量程、调压器零位及仪表的( )均正确无误,经确认后,通知所有人员离开( ),并取得( )许可方可加压。
A.短路线 B.开始状态 C.被校设备 D.校验负责人 [单选题]烧结多孔砖是以煤矸石、页岩、粉煤灰或黏土为主要原料,经成型、焙烧而成的空洞率不大于()%的砖。
A.15 B.20 C.30 D.35 [单项选择]现场控制又称()
A. 直接控制 B. 事前控制 C. 间接控制 D. 过程控制 E. 预防控制 [单选题]下列哪个不是突发事件紧急医学救援的特点:( )
A.医学急救任务的复杂性 B.救援力量构成的单一性 C.预防为主的重要性 D.灾难的突发性 [单选题]. 在紫外灯下观察,可见2015版第五套人民币100纸币上怎么呈现出明亮的荧光特征()
A.光彩光变数字 B.人像数字 C.竖号码 D.胶印对印图案 [多项选择]“腺样体面容”的特征包括()。
A. 上颌骨变长 B. 腭骨高拱 C. 上切牙突出 D. 唇厚 E. 眼球突出 [单项选择]()是人在绝对安静下维持生命所必须消耗的能量.
A. 基础代谢量 B. 安静代谢量 C. 能量代谢量 D. 代谢量 [单选题]60kg/m钢轨的截面积是( )。
A.57cm2 B.65.8cm2 C.77.45cm2 D.95.04cm2 [单选题] 甲县公安局违法对张某进行了罚款,张某向甲县公安局的上级机关乙市公安局申请了行政复议,乙市公安局复议决定维持原处罚。如甲提出国家赔偿,赔偿义务机关为( )。
A.甲县公安局 B.乙市公安局 C.甲县人民政府 D.甲县公安局和乙市公安局 [判断题] 从案到人、从人到案,这两类研判工作主要是由历史案件数据和历史重点人员数据作为支撑,且两类数据要进行相同的小类信息标注
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]安全 地铁列车高压电气箱在打开柜门的时候,一定要在断电多久之后( )
A.2分钟 B.4分钟 C.6分钟 D.8分钟 我来回答: 提交