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发布时间:2023-10-16 23:38:22

[单项选择]A child, age 3, is brought to the emergency department in respiratory distress caused by acute epiglottiditis. Which clinical manifestations should the nurse expect to assess ?()
A. Severe sore throat, drooling, leaning forward to breathe.
B. Low-grade fever, stridor, barking cough.
C. Pulmonary congestion, productive cough, fever.
D. Sore throat, fever, general malaise.

更多"A child, age 3, is brought to the e"的相关试题:

[单项选择]An 18-month-old child is brought to the emergency department with suspected croup. The child appears frightened and cries as the nurse approaches him. The nurse needs to assess the child's breath sounds. The best way to approach the child is to
[单项选择]A 23-month-old child is brought to the emergency department with suspected croup. Which assessment finding reflects increasing respiratory distress
A. Intercostal retractions.
B. Bradycardia.
C. Decreased level of consciousness.
D. Flushed skin.
[单项选择]A child, age 4, is admitted with a tentative diagnosis of congenital heart disease. When assessment reveals a bounding radial pulse coupled with a weak femoral pulse, the nurse suspects that the child has
A. patent ductus arteriosus.
B. coarctation of the aorta.
C. a ventricular septal defect.
D. truncus arteriosus.
[单项选择]A child, age 5, with an IQ of 65 is admitted to the hospital for evaluation. When planning care, the nurse should keep in mind that this child is
A. within the lower range of normal intelligence.
B. mildly retarded but educable.
C. moderately retarded but trainable.
D. completely dependent on others for care.

The often criticized child of the industrial age, advertising has grown as society has become more industrialized and, therefore, more commercialized. No modem industry or company can survive without advertising; it is the vital link between the producer and the customer. If advertising were abolished(废止), as many people have suggested it should be, the public and the companies that advertise would suffer a considerable loss.
Most people think of television as an inexpensive source of entertainment. Television’s primary purpose, however; is not to provide an entertainment service except in the case of government owned networks. It exists in order to promote products for companies. If the television industry did not receive income from advertising, watching television would be at least as expensive as going to the movies.
Like television, many magazines and newspapers exist primarily to sell products. In some cases, the stories, pictures, and editoria
A. to promote products for companies
B. to inform the public of new products
C. to influence buyers
D. All of the above.

[单项选择]The miserable child lost his father at the age of two and his mother at five. Now he is homeless.()
A. sorrowful
B. mean
C. grieving
D. wretched
[单项选择]A preschool-age child with sickle cell anemia is admitted to the health care facility in vaso-occlusive crisis after developing a fever and joint pain. What is the nurse's highest priority when caring for this child
A. Providing fluids.
B. Maintaining protective isolation.
C. Applying cool compresses to affected joints.
D. Administering antipyretics, as prescribed.
[单项选择]It is announced that a child under 4 years of age not occupying a separate seat is charged 10% of the adult fare.
A. 据通知,不到四岁的孩子是不能占位的,否则按l0%的票价收取费用。
B. 接到通知,不到四岁的孩子不能单独占位,按成人的10%收取费用。
C. 通知说,不分开占位的四岁以下儿童,其票价是大人票价的10%。
D. 有通知,未满四周岁的儿童不单独占一座位,按成人票价的10%买票。
[单项选择]Some linguists believe that the______age for children learning a foreign language is 5 to 8.
A. optimistic
B. optional
C. optimal
D. oppressed

[单项选择]When does the next train depart
A. pull up
B. pull down
C. pull out
D. pull in
[单项选择]What time will the plane depart
A. 9:50 am.
B. 12:15 pm.
C. 4;05 pm.
D. 8:45 pm.


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