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发布时间:2023-12-20 02:03:01

[单项选择]Rivers bring ______.
A. people and crops
B. life and wealth
C. poverty and death
D. agriculture and bridge

更多"Rivers bring ______."的相关试题:

[单项选择]Rivers bring ______.
A. people and crops
B. life and wealth
C. poverty and death
D. agriculture and bridge

Passage Five
From the beginning rivers have played an important part in the life of man. Man of the earliest times used the rivers as a means of travel. Today rivers still serve as a great waterway for the transport and people.
In ancient times, man settled near rivers or on river banks and built up large empires.
Water is Nature’s most precious gift to man. Man needs water to irrigate his crops, to cook and to wash. In nations all over the world rivers mean life and wealth. They feed and clothe the nations around them.
Water is also a source of energy and power. Man constructs huge dams across the river to control the water for irrigation and get the energy needed to drive generators. The electrical power is then directed to homes, cities, factories and television stations.
Man uses water each day. His main source of water comes from reservoirs, which in turn get their water from the rivers.
Rivers also bring down soil
A. deltas
B. crops
C. fresh water life
D. soil and minerals

[单项选择]What can we learn about rivers in Australia

A. Rivers run higher than usual.
B. Rivers have run out of water.
C. Rivers cause little damage.
D. Every year rivers overflow.
[单项选择]— The water changes into thick ice covering rivers and lakes in winter in Harbin.
— ______ in Urumqi and children go skating on it then.
A. So is it
B. So it does
C. So it is
D. So does it
[单项选择]The things brought down by rivers from the mountains that are useful for cultivation are ______.
A. deltas
B. crops
C. fresh water life
D. soil and minerals
[单项选择]It is reported that air pollution affects rivers and lakes indirectly because it causes acid rain.
A. 据报道,空气污染导致酸雨,因而对河流和湖泊造成间接影响。
B. 据报道,空气污染了河流和湖泊,间接的原因是因为有酸雨。
C. 据报道,空气污染间接来源于河流和湖泊的污染,因为后者会导致酸雨。
D. 据报道,空气污染对河流和湖泊的影响是间接的,因为它的成因是酸雨。
[单项选择]The salmon spends its adult life in rivers and seas, but ______ .
A. its eggs are laid in streams
B. it lays its eggs in streams
C. in streams are laid its eggs
D. laid in streams are the eggs
[单项选择]Tile rivers and streams of the Amazon basin teem with life, and the forest canopy resonates with the cries of birds and monkeys and the whines of insects.
A. converges
B. echoes
C. overwhelms
D. responds
[单项选择]By saying "the golden rivers are being diverted", the author means
A. newspapers earn a lot from ads.
B. the money flow like rivers into websites.
C. newspapers began to share the ad revenues with websites.
D. websites took away many ad revenues from newspapers.
[单项选择]()into oceans and rivers is a serious form of pollution.
A. Pouring sewage
B. Emptying litter
C. Throwing garbage
D. Dumping sewage


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