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发布时间:2024-01-20 19:31:11

[单项选择]A national debate is now ______ about whether we should replace golden weeks with paid vacations.
A. in the way
B. by the way
C. under way
D. out of the way

更多"A national debate is now ______ abo"的相关试题:

[单项选择]A national debate is now ______ about whether we should replace golden weeks with paid vacations.
A. in the way
B. by the way
C. under way
D. out of the way
[单项选择]Looming over the debate about human interference in the world's boreal forests is an as yet unanswerable question. Will the effects of global warming eventually dwarf man's impact
A. raise to greater importance
B. make more difficult to measure
C. cause to appear small
D. bring to an abrupt end

In many parts of the world there is a debate about whether children should use pocket calculators in math lessons. They help children work faster and pass examinations. But critics say that they make the subject to o easy.
This concern that .technology is doing much of our thinking for us cuts across many areas. People who use computers for many years find that their handwriting had deteriorated (变差). Artists paint pictures using computer software rather than learning to draw and paint. Tennis players no longer try to outwit (在智慧上战胜) their opponents. Advances in tennis racket technology make it easier to just blast the ball past them.
Technology used to be about freeing people from boring physical labor like washing clothes. Now it is taking over increasingly complicated mental functions. Analysts are also worded about the effect of media saturation (渗透). The idea is that a constant diet of television has made people to o impatient to listen while things a
A. people's handwriting would have been better if there had been no computers
B. artists are those who like new technology for its own sake
C. technical improvements enable tennis players to defeat their opponents using clever plans
D. people from different walks of life rely to o much on modem technology

[单项选择]We have worked out the plan and now we must put it into ______.
A. face
B. reality
C. practice
D. deed
[单项选择]We are tired of talking about the problem now it's time for ______.
A. action
B. activity
C. deed
D. behavior
[单项选择]Until now we have ______many improvements in women's employment.
A. brought out
B. brought up
C. brought forward
D. brought about
[单项选择]They were so behaved in the debate that we find it difficult not to admire them.
A. 他们在辩论中如此表现了一番,以致我们不得不称赞他们。
B. 他们在辩论中表现非常出色,我们很难不佩服他们。
C. 他们在辩论中行为得体,使我们觉得难以超越他们。
D. 他们的辩论表现很糟糕,我们很难不为他们难过。
[单项选择]Nora: You're late. Now we'll miss the movie. Alex: ______ I was stuck in traffic.
[单项选择]If we leave now, we should miss the traffic.
A. avoid
B. mix
C. direct
D. stop
[单项选择]And now we must be off ______ . It is eight already.
A. by accident
B. on average
C. by chance
D. right away


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