The concern throughout the world in
1968 for those three whales that were locked in the Arctic ice was dramatic
proof that whales, several species of which face extinction, have become
subjects of considerable sympathy. These are the recorded voices of whales. These monstrous creatures have been trumpeting their songs, one to another, in the world’s oceans since the dawn of time, while overhead, great empires and civilizations have come and gone. Now, their time of decline has come. It began a long time ago. Four-thousand-year-old rock carvings show that the people who lived in what is now Norway were probably the first to seek out and kill whales in the sea, By around 890 AD, 3,000 years later, the practice had spread to the Basque people of France and Spain, who hunted whales from boats in the A. was most active in the mid-1960s. B. has been ended entirely. C. has been strictly regulated. D. is still very popular. [单选题]不属于防毒防尘技术措施的是( )。
A.改革工艺 B.湿法除尘 C.安全技术教育 D.通风净化 [单项选择]下列哪一种职业病不是由物理因素所引致的?()
A. 热内障 B. 尿道癌 C. 气压病 [判断题]44、听证应当制作笔录,听证笔录应当交听证参加人确认无误后签字或者盖章。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]做好()和()以保证下道工序加工质量.。
A.首件检查 B.成批自我检查 C.过程检验 D.专项检验 [多选题]下列()是绝缘安全用具。
A.验电器 B.绝缘鞋 C.绝缘手套 D.临时遮拦 [单选题]下列情形中,哪一项的诉讼时效为一年?( )
A.某甲买了一台电热水器,使用中因电热水器漏电而受伤 B.某甲与某乙签订了一承包经营合同,后某乙违约 C.某甲供给某乙一万元,某乙到期不还欠款 D.某甲在某乙处定作一套西服,到期后某甲未及时领取西服,30天后某乙将西服卖掉 [单选题]应停用的保护、安全自动装置及联跳回路,应填入工作票中的安全措施栏。
A.A.正确 B.B.错误 [单选题]18]民航安检工作质量控制活动应当按照全面覆盖、( )、程序规范、闭环管理的原则开展。
A.同级实施 B.分级实施 C.逐级实施 D.闭环实施 [多选题]公交接驳准备期车站要求()。
A.在地铁行车中断超过15分钟时,车站各岗位做好启动公交接驳的准备 B.做好列车晚点及客流组织广播,提示乘客改成其他交通工具 C.加强与行调及其他车站的联系,即使了解列车运行情况 D.检查票款状况和《至乘客信》是否满足需求,如不足应及时增补,做好乘客服务工作 E.做好站台、站厅区域的安全巡视和相关乘客服务工作。 [判断题]过电流保护是变压器的主保护。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某酒店的职工餐厅要进行装修改造,工程在2005年11月7日开工,预计2005年12月5日竣工。主要的施工项目有墙面抹灰、吊顶、涂料等。某装饰公司承建此项工程的施工,为保证工程质量,对抹灰工程进行了重点控制。
抹灰厚度大于( )mm的抹灰面要增加钢丝网片防止开裂。 A. 32 B. 33 C. 34 D. 35 [单选题]封闭式叶轮是具有两个盖板的叶轮,如单吸式、双吸式叶轮,叶轮中叶片一般有( ),.
A.2~4片 B.4~6片 C.6~8片,多的可至12片 D.13~16片 [判断题]( )1717架子牛育肥实质上是淘汰役用牛或肉役兼用或肉乳兼用牛,后期集中肥育法。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]血糖通常指血液中含有的所有糖。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]阿托品治疗()
A. 砷、汞中毒 B. CO中毒 C. 有机磷中毒 D. 氰化物中毒 E. 亚硝酸盐中毒 [判断题]带电断开低压导线时,应先断开零,后断开相线(火线)线。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]泥浆中加入纯碱一般会(),否则的话,如随着纯碱的加入失水量反而增加则说明絮凝。
A. 粘度增大,失水量减少 B. 粘度增大,失水量增大 C. 粘度降低,失水量减少 D. 粘度降低,失水量增大 [单选题]参与细胞内信号传导的第二信使不包括( )
A.转化因子 B.环磷腺苷 C.钙离子 D.肌醇磷酯 E.环磷鸟苷 [单选题]公司A320CEO/NEO与A321CEO机型可承运担架旅客的总人数分别为()人。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单项选择] {{B}}Directions: {{/B}}There are 20 blanks in the following passage, and for each blank there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D at the end of the passage. You should choose ONE an-swer that best fit into the passage. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.