Most of us find the forgetting easier,
but maybe we should work on the forgiving part. "Holding on to hurts and nursing
grudges wear you down physically and emotionally," says Stanford University
psychologist Fred Luskin, author of Forgive for Good. "Forgiving someone can be
a powerful antidote." In a recent study, Charlotte, assistant/associate professor of psychology at Hope College in Holland, Michigan; and this colleagues asked 71 volunteers to remember a past hurt. Tests recorded the highest blood pressure, heart rate and muscle tension—the same responses that occur when people are angry. Research has linked anger and heart disease. When the volunteers were asked to imagine empathizing, even forgiving those who had wronged them, they remained calm by comparison. What’s more, forgiveness can be learned, insists Luskin, director of the S A. forgiving can make people calm down. B. when people recall a past hurt, they tend to be more irritated C. there is no link between forgiving and a heart disease D. when people recall a past hurt, they tend to have a higher blood pressure and heart rate [判断题]在站台发生司机室冒烟,立即开门清客、降弓、施加停放制动;清客完毕后关闭蓄电池,在安全位置持续观察司机室是否继续冒烟,若未消失,则在安全位置持续观察冒烟情况并做好信息汇报( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]化解矛盾纠纷.维护社会治安秩序是公安派出所的主要工作之一。下列可以采用纠纷化解来处理的是:
A.陈某扫码开启共享汽车给16岁的儿子“练手”,发生剐蹭事故 B.易某多次在微信朋友圈里对同事曾某进行辱骂 C.刘某因感情纠纷到前妻公司打砸物品,造成损失 D.赵某因外卖延时送达,与快递员李某发生争吵 [单项选择]在三轴式变速器各档位中,传动比值最小的档位是()。
A. 一档 B. 三档 C. 倒档 D. 五档 [单项选择]坚持和发展社会主义制度最根本的途径和条件是()
A. 消除两极分化,消灭剥削 B. 改革经济体制和政治体制 C. 发展社会生产力 D. 巩固和加强人民民主专政 [多选题]对电缆及通道周边的施工行为应加强巡视,已开挖暴露的电缆线路,应缩短巡视周期,可采取的措施有()。
A.分时监控 B.安装移动视频监控实时监控 C.断续监控 D.安排人员看护 [单项选择]在计算机系统中用来连接CPU、内存储器和I/O接口的总线称为系统总线。()总线属于系统总线技术的一种。
A. IEEE-1394 B. EISA C. RS-232 D. USB [不定项选择题]A.酮症酸中毒
A.非酮症高渗性昏迷 B.糖尿病伴发肾病 C.糖尿病伴发心血管病 D.糖尿病伴发神经病变 E.1型糖尿病患者易发生的急性病症( ) 我来回答: 提交