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发布时间:2024-03-21 00:05:16

[单项选择]Which of the following ways is not recommended to a foreigner to Japan
A. Use mobile phone in trains unless it is clearly allowed to do so.
B. Leave people some minutes when people are speaking or thinking about an answer.
C. Enter shops, cafes or department stores with a dripping wet plastic umbrella.
D. When indicating an object or direction to someone, wave fingers with the palm downwards.

更多"Which of the following ways is not "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Which of the following ways is not recommended to a foreigner to Japan

A. Use mobile phone in trains unless it is clearly allowed to do so.
B. Leave people some minutes when people are speaking or thinking about an answer.
C. Enter shops, cafes or department stores with a dripping wet plastic umbrella.
D. When indicating an object or direction to someone, wave fingers with the palm downwards.
[单项选择]In which of the following ways of booking docs one probably have to pay extra money

A. In person.
B. By telephone.
C. By fax.
D. By post.
[单项选择]In which of the following ways of booking does one probably have to pay extra money
A. In person.
B. By telephone.
C. By fax.
D. By post.
[单项选择]Which of the following ways of word-formation doesn't change the grammatical class of the stems
A. compound
B. inflection
C. derivation
D. coinage
[单项选择]The passage mentions all of the following as ways adults modify their speech when talking to babies EXCEPT
A. (giving all words equal emphasis
B. ( speaking with shorter sentences
C. ( speaking more loudly than normal
D. ( using meaningless sounds
[单项选择]The author mentions all the following as ways of disease prevention EXCEPT _____.

A. better diet
B. increased exercise
C. reduction on smoking
D. higher survival rate for cancer
[单项选择]All of the following are ways to exit a swap contract EXCEPT:( )
A. entering an offsetting swap with the original counterparty. 
B. selling a swaption. 
C. making a cash payment to the original counterparty.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements about the ways of communicating ideas and feelings mentioned in the passage is NOT true
A. They can be used to communicate over long distances.
B. They require both a sender and a receiver.
C. They involve use of conventional signs and symbols.
D. They utilize the senses for reception.
[单项选择]Which of the following is NOT recommended for the break during the children's study after class
A. Shoot baskets.
B. Play some games with parents.
C. Go out to drink some beverage in a bar for a long time.
D. Relax a bit by using the bathroom.
[单项选择]In which ways is home service industry good for our society

A. It meets the needs of modem life.
B. It provides work opportunities for the laid-off workers.
C. It is a new industry.
D. Both A and


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