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发布时间:2023-10-20 11:28:52

[单项选择]If the money supply lags behind production, tike economy may suffer from ______ with equally undesirable effects.
A. inflation
B. crisis
C. debt
D. deflation

更多"If the money supply lags behind pro"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Which of the following countries lags behind the United States by the largest margin
A. France
B. Britain
C. Germany
D. Japan
[单项选择]Which of tike following can be found in satiric literature
A. Newly emerging philosophies.
B. Odd combinations of objects and ideas.
C. Abstract discussion of morals and ethics.
D. Wholesome characters who are unselfish.
[单项选择]I tike swimming. ______.
[单项选择]Money makes money. To put it another way, the more you invest, the greater your potential profit will be.
A. 用钱造钱。把它放到一边,越多的投入,越大的利润。
B. 钱制造钱。换句话说,较多的投入使你的利润越大。
C. 钱变钱。换句话说,你投入越多,你潜在的利润就越大。
D. 钱生钱。换句话说,你投资越多,你的利润就可能越大。
[单项选择]The sun vanished behind a cloud.
A. disappointed
B. discarded
C. discharged
D. disappeared
[单项选择]Take Care Not to Leave Things Behind.
A. Most probably you see this on a fire engine
B. Most probably you see this in a cinema or theater
C. Most probably you see this on the highway
[单项选择]A bare hill appears behind the jungle.
A. bald
B. humid
C. immense
D. level
[单项选择]"Backward" languages fall behind Western languages in ______.
A. structures
B. vocabularies
C. written forms
D. sound patterns
[单项选择]We were four scores left behind with five minutes to go, so the game looked completely ______.
A. irresistible
B. irremissible
C. irreplaceable
D. irretrievable
[单项选择]Most people who leave their families behind them ________.

A. do so without warning
B. do so because of their debts
C. come back immediately
D. change their names
[单项选择]Behind these obvious ridiculous motives to anti-Jewish attitudes there was a deeper cause.()
A. unreasonable
B. sad
C. reasonable
D. encouraging
[单项选择]Your project is behind schedule due to conflict between team members. Having resolved the conflict, to get the project back on schedule, you should consider ______ .
A. crashing the schedule
B. performing resource leveling
C. conducting reverse resource allocation scheduling
D. utilizing the critical chair resources
[单项选择]It is obvious that the assumption behind horror stories is that______.
A. human beings are basically good
B. mankind is evil in nature
C. mankind can be taught to be good
D. both A and C


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