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发布时间:2023-10-22 18:36:13

[单项选择]Woman: These summer days are getting to be more than I can take. It was even too hot to go to the pool yesterday.Man: Hold on, according to the weather report we should have some relief by the end of the week.Question: What dose the man mean
A. The pool will be open all week.
B. The weather will cool down soon.
C. The woman should go swimming.
D. He prefers to stay inside in hot weather.

更多"Woman: These summer days are gettin"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Now summer has arrived, the days are getting ______ .

A. hot and longer
B. hotter and long
C. hotter and longer
[单项选择]Before 1500 North America was inhabited by more than 300 cultural groups, each with different customs, social structures, world views, and languages. Such diversity ______ the existence of a single Native American culture.
A. complements
B. implies
C. reiterates
D. argues against
[单项选择]The reason tourism benefits a country even more than traditional industries is that it ______
A. requires much less capital
B. has more of a cultural benefit
C. has more potential to lead to other industries
D. uses less resources which harm the environment
[单项选择]26 For which group of people the demand is more than its supply
[单项选择]The () of the Mississippi River is located more than two hundred miles from its mouth.
A. source
B. beginning
C. resource
D. origin
[单项选择]She had on the dress that I used to admire more than anything else in her possession a light blue one______ prettily with lace.

A. ornamented
B. trimmed
C. furnished
D. decorated

Passage Four
When an icon (偶像) lasts for more than a century, there is a reason. But what is it about the teddy bear that makes it a lasting symbol in our society Trends experts say that when an icon is rooted in reality, when people grow to love it, and when it represents something larger, it tends to last.
America’s affair with the teddy bear began in the fall of 1902 when then-President Theodore Roosevelt went on a bear hunting trip in the South. He had no luck till the fifth day when he spotted a bear and raised his rifle to shoot--then lowered it when he saw a baby bear in the line of fire, eating honey from its paws. Roosevelt is reputed to have said, "I don’t shoot baby bears." Another story has Roosevelt refusing to shoot a wounded bear.
Washington Post cartoonist Clifford Berryman depicted the bear incidents and began using bears in many political cartoons on many subjects. Soon toy and novelty makers started creating
A. Teddy Bear and President Theodore Roosevelt.
B. The History of Teddy bear.
C. Teddy Bear and the Booming of Toy Industry.
D. Teddy bear, the Icon That Will Endure.


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