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发布时间:2023-10-22 21:37:57

[单项选择]I have offered a prediction that the reforms run a very high risk of being______ by a general collapse of confidence in the ruble.
A. set back
B. let down
C. hold back
D. run down

更多"I have offered a prediction that th"的相关试题:

[单项选择]I have offered a prediction that the reforms run a very high risk of being______ by a general collapse of confidence in the ruble.

A. set back
B. let down
C. hold back
D. run down
[单项选择]Once the sands have run out of a person’s hourglass, they can’t be replaced.
A. The sands that a person has in his hourglass can never be replaced.
B. If a person’s watch goes wrong, it can never be repaired.
C. If a person has got no sense of time, he will never be successful.
D. Once a day in our life is gone, it will never come back again.
[单项选择]Had I run out of gas, I ought to have called the garage().
A. had
B. would have
C. would
D. should have
[单项选择]Reforms too long delayed have ______ . peace, undermined democracy and swept away civil liberty.
A. harmonized
B. wrenched
C. paralyzed
D. jeopardized
[单项选择]Man: Have you run up against any problems in getting your passport renewedWoman: I haven't started the plan yet.Question: What do know from the conversation
[单项选择]In the twentieth century new drugs have markedly improved health throughout the world.
A. recently
B. consistently
C. supposedly
D. noticeably
[单项选择]Though I have, I ______ give the sweet course a miss since I am slimming.
A. a sweet tooth, might as well
B. sweet teeth, might as well
C. a good tooth, had rather
D. bad teeth, had rather
[单项选择]According to the author, teachers may have great influence on children's attitudes because _________.
[单项选择]I didn't help him. I would have ( )I didn't have the money.
A. or
B. but
C. otherwise
D. still
[单项选择]After what I have heard, I have no {{U}}inclination{{/U}} to go to her home.
A. influence
B. wish
C. tendency
D. need
[单项选择]Much ______ I have traveled, I have never seen anyone to equal her for thoroughness, whatever the job.
A. when
B. more
C. farther
D. as
[单项选择]When I told the manager I didn't have the goods I had ordered delivered on time, he promised to {{U}}investigate{{/U}} my complaint.
A. look into
B. look through
C. look after
D. look over
[单项选择]I have four letters to write today and I have finished ______.
A. three
B. the three
C. ones
D. /


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