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发布时间:2023-10-10 21:07:00

[单项选择]In the preface ____________ my book, I thanked all the people who had been of help to me.
A. of
B. to
C. in
D. for

更多"In the preface ____________ my book"的相关试题:

[单项选择]In the preface ____________ my book, I thanked all the people who had been of help to me.

A. of
B. to
C. in
D. for
[单项选择]I have not found my book yet. I'm not sure ( ) I could have done with it.
A. why
B. where
C. whether
D. what
[单项选择]I checked all my answers ______. my teacher had suggested
A. as to
B. such
C. that
D. as
[单项选择]I checked all my answers __________ my teacher had suggested.  
A. as to
B. as
C. that
D. such
[单项选择]I have not found my book yet. I'm not sure ______ I could have done with it.
A. why
B. where
C. whether
D. what
[单项选择]First of all,I appreciate your advice on my decision to go to work in the computer company.
A. 我首先感谢你们的决定,让我到这家电脑公司来工作。
B. 我首先感谢你的建议,我已经决定去一家电脑公司工作了。
C. 首先,很高兴到贵公司来听取你们在计算机方面的意见。
D. 首先,感谢你对我决定去那家电脑公司工作所给予的建议。
[单项选择]As far as I know, all my classmates don't live in the countryside.
A. 我所知道的是,我的所有同班同学并非都住在农村。
B. 如我所知,我的同班同学并非都住在农村。
C. 就我所知,我的同班同学并非都住在农村。
D. 就我所知,所有我的同班同学都不住在农村。
[单项选择]I have lost so (much weight) recently (so) all my clothes are too big; I (must) have them (taken) in.
A. much weight
B. so
C. must
D. taken
[单项选择]My uncle promised to furnish all I need.
A. offer
B. buy
C. lend
D. rent
[单项选择]I was so ______ in my book that I didn't hear the door bell ring.
A. concentrated
B. absorbed
C. engaged
D. occupied
[单项选择]I won't give you an account of all my wanderings, though I have been most indefatigable; for I am keeping, as I told you before, a most ______ journal.
A. exhausted
B. exhaustive
C. exhausting
D. exhaustion
[单项选择]In all the rush to meet my deadlines, I unintentionally let one of the most important dates -- your birthday -- slip past me.
A. 匆忙之间,我一不留神竟把最重要的日子——你的生日——给搞忘了。
B. 在最后时刻,我才记起来这个最重要的日子——你的生日。
C. 成天忙着赶任务,我差点就忘了这个最重要的日子——你的生日。
D. 成天忙这忙那的,我一不留神竟把最重要的日子——你的生日——给搞忘了。
[单项选择]I was ()and all of my equipment ()working well.
A. in good healthy; was
B. in a good health; were
C. in good health; was
D. in good healthy; were
[单项选择]I spent all the winter break with my friends. Not a single day ______ a few hours to myself.
A. I had
B. did I have
C. had I
D. I was having
[单项选择]All my classmates have passed the physical education exam except_______.
A. John and I
B. John and me
C. I and John
D. me and John


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