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发布时间:2023-11-22 23:55:15

[单项选择]When asked to explain what has happened, John was totally at a loss for words.
A. 近年来人们对于控制会议长度的方法提出了很多想法。
B. 最近几年来人们对于如何减少会议数量提出了很多意见。
C. 近年来人们对于控制会议长度的方法考虑了很多。
D. 如何在最近几年内减少会议数量是很多人都曾考虑过的问题。

更多"When asked to explain what has happ"的相关试题:

[单项选择]When asked to explain what has happened, John was totally at a loss for words.
A. 要求约翰对发生过的事情进行解释时,他讲的话让人完全摸不着头脑。
B. 让约翰解释发生过的事情时,约翰完全不知道说什么好。
C. 由于约翰完全不知道发生过什么事,所以他就让别人解释给他听。
D. 约翰自己要求要解释发生过的事情,到头来却又一句话也不肯说。
[单项选择]The shop-assistant asked John what()
A. did he want
B. he wanted
C. he wants
[单项选择]When people are asked what kind of housing they need or want, the question ________ a variety of answers.
A. defies
B. magnifies
C. mediates
D. evokes
[单项选择]What occurs when a design has been drawn on a flat surface with a special grease crayon and to which( the surface)water and then ink are applied
A. The ink adheres to the crayon image and is repelled by the moist areas.
B. The ink adheres to the moist areas and is repelled by the crayon image.
C. The water adheres to the crayon image and is repelled by the moist areas.
D. Both ink and water are repelled by the crayon image.
[单项选择]What do the other elephants do when a female has died

A. The others throw their body away.
B. The others eat the dead body.
C. The others take a bit of the dead body away sadly.
D. The others bury the dead body.
[单项选择]John has to prepare the mathematic examination _________.
A. he can as best
B. best as he can
C. as he can best
D. as best he can
[单项选择]John has waited ______.
A. year after year, day after day and hour after hour
B. day after day, year after year and hour after hour
C. day after day, hour after hour and year after year
D. hour after hour, day after day and year after year
[单项选择]John has outgrown the fear of staying at home alone.
A. 约翰长大了,不愿一个人呆在家里。
B. 约翰长大了,不再害怕一个人呆在家里。
C. 约翰克服了害怕一个人呆在家里的恐惧。
D. 约翰害怕一个人呆在家里。
[单项选择]Man: Have you heard it John has just been promoted again!
Woman: He's the boss's blue-eyed boy at the present.
Question: What does the woman mean


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