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发布时间:2024-01-23 21:31:04

[单项选择]Cyclical unemployment is closely associated with:()
A. long-term economic growth.
B. fluctuations in the natural rate of unemployment.
C. short-run fluctuations in the economy.

更多"Cyclical unemployment is closely as"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The economy is in recession, and counter cyclical fiscal policy has been enacted. If the policy has been effective and the AD curve has moved upward to the right, the result is:
[单项选择]The word "cyclical"(para. 4) probably means ()
A. happening in a regularly repeated order
B. happening according to the latest fashion
C. fixed
D. changeable
[单项选择]The unemployment due to economic recession should be considered as ______. (a)frictional unemployment. (b)structural unemployment. (c)cyclical unemployment. (d)seasonal unemployment.
[单项选择]Regional unemployment and regional recession are an economic loss to the whole nation and they cannot ______ themselves on their own.
A. simplify
B. modify
C. verify
D. rectify

During the 1980s,unemployment and underemployment in some countries was as high as 90 percent.
Some countries did not (21) enough food; basic needs in housing and clothing were not (22) Many of these countries looked to the industrial processes of the developed countries (23) solutions.
   (24) , problems. cannot always be solved by copying the industrialized countries . Industry in the developed countries is highly automated and very (25) . It provides fewer jobs than labor-intensive industrial processes, and highly (26) workers are needed to (27) and repair the equipment. These workers must be trained (28) many countries do not have the necessary training institutions. Thus, the (29) of importing industry ecomes higher. Students must be sent abroad to (30) vocational and professional training. (31) ,just to begin training, the students must (32) learn English, French, German,
A. generate
B. raise
C. produce
D. manufacture

[单项选择]The reason why their unemployment so confused the young miners and cotton workers is that _______.

A. they had been brought up on the assumption that they had work to do
B. they had not previously realized how degrading it would feel to be out of work
C. they were definitely not going to be able to work again
D. they did not expect to be the objects of middle-class criticism
[单项选择]When did the unemployment rate begin to increase

A. Last April.
B. Last May.
C. Last August.
D. Last October.

Passage 4
Changes in the volume of unemployment are governed by three fundamental forces: the growth of the labor force, the increase in output per man hour, and the growth of total demand for goods and services. Changes in the average hours of work enter in exactly parallel fashion but have been quantitatively less significant. As productivity rises, less labor is required per dollar of national product, or more goods and services can be produced with the same number of man—goods.
If output does not grow, employment will certainly fall; if production increases more rapidly than productivity (less any decline in average hours worked, employment must rise. But the labor force grows, too. Unless gross national product (total final expenditure for goods and services corrected for price changes) rises more rapidly than the sum of productivity increase and labor force growth (again modified for any change in hours of work), the increase in employment will
A. As productivity rises, a greater amount of labor per dollar of national product can be expected.
B. Unemployment falls when production expands faster than labor force.
C. Reduction in the growth of productivity and cutback in potential output are in the national interest.
D. The long-term rate of growth in our economy, if continued into the future, will eventually decrease our unemployment rate, all other factors remaining constant.


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