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发布时间:2023-10-22 09:57:37

[单项选择]It is implied but not stated in the passage that the federal government ______.
A. encourages basic research
B. devotes more than 90% of its research and development funds to applied research
C. spends far more on applied research than on military problems
D. opposes the Foundations grants to basic research

更多"It is implied but not stated in the"的相关试题:

[单项选择]It is implied but not stated in the passage that the federal government ______.
A. encourages basic research
B. devotes more than 90% of its research and development funds to applied research
C. spends far more on applied research than on military problems
D. opposes the Foundations grants to basic research
[单项选择]It's implied but not stated in the passage that ______.
A. Olympics will award a city one year ago
B. not all the host cities can make profits by Olympics
C. sometimes the government will offer the support directly
D. the host city will receive the financial support from IOC
[单项选择]It is implied in the passage that the .babies at the day-care center ______.
A. were born of. mothers with higher IQs
B. were more closely attended to by their mothers
C. were reared under a more favorable environment
D. were given more medical care than those at home
[单项选择]Which of the following is implied but nut stated in the passage
A. The study of language is the same as the study Of anthropology.
B. The study of language has reinforced anthropologists in their view that there are no hierarchy among cultures.
C. The study of language discredited the anthropological studies.
D. The study of language casts a new light upon the claims of anthropologists.
[单项选择]Which of the following is implied but not stated in the passage
A. The study of language is the same as the study of anthropology.
B. The study of language has reinforced anthropologists in their view that there are no hierarchy among cultures.
C. The study of language discredited the anthropological studies.
D. The study of language casts a new light upon the claims of anthropologists.
[单项选择]What is implied in the passage

A. Tourists now have more access to reliable information about travel risks.
B. The State Department now provides more information for travelers on its web site.
C. Tourists face a world of dangers but, with the right advice, can manage most of them.
D. The State Department is sometimes binned for not providing travelers with enough information.
[单项选择]What is implied in this passage

A. Positive charges are in the top of the cloud, negative charges in the bottom.
B. When positive and negative charges within a cloud cannot break down the insulating properties of air, no lightening will be formed.
C. Without hail and thunder, there could be no lightening.
D. Without refrigerated rods, lightening could not be created.
[单项选择]Which is implied in the passage

A. Some companies do not comprehend the urgency of the situation.
B. All companies are ready for the year 2000.
C. The millennium bug is designed by people intentionally.
D. The scale of the problem of the millennium bug is over-estimated.


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