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发布时间:2023-10-21 11:04:55


All mammals have hair, but not always evident.()

A. but it is not
B. but it is
C. but they are not
D. but they are

更多"All mammals have hair, but not alwa"的相关试题:

[单项选择]All mammals have hair, but not always evident().
A. but it is not
B. but it is
C. but they are not
D. but they are
[单项选择]The class of mammals embraces nearly all warm-blooded animals except the birds.
A. takes on
B. takes over
C. takes in
D. takes up

Passage Two
I always have a difficult time choosing original birthday presents. My imagination never seems to get beyond ties, handkerchiefs, or pairs of socks. But, strangely enough, it did not take me long to decide on Tom’s birthday present. For the first time in my life I had a good idea——I would buy him a bottle of champagne. Before the party began, Tom suggested that I should open the bottle. I put it between my knees and began to pull, but it remained firmly corked. Soon a crowd gathered round to watch the fight between me and the bottle. I could hear all sorts of" helpful" suggestions from the guests like "Break the top off", "Use your teeth!" etc. But I was losing the bottle. We were struggling on the floor together, when all of a sudden there was a loud" pop!" and the cork shot up into the air, while the angry bottle showered everybody with champagne!

What is NOT mentioned as a birthday presen
A. Ties.
B. Books.
C. Handkerchiefs.
D. Pairs of socks.
[单项选择]Women always have an advantage in office work, which requires strong language background and paperwork efficiency.
A. 在需要较强的语言功底及文字水平的办公室工作方面,妇女们往往更具有优势。
B. 在语言功底及文字水平方面得到强化后,妇女们更容易在办公室工作中获得好处。
C. 办公室工作需要较强语言功底及文字水平,妇女们在这方面往往更具优势。
D. 在语言功底及文字水平方面得到强化后,妇女们更能胜任办公室工作。
[单项选择]He ______ always have his own way.
A. can
B. may
C. should
D. must
[单项选择]I always have been ______ in self-confidence and decision.
A. incomplete
B. deficient
C. defective
D. infinite
[单项选择]We always have ______ supper at 7 o' clock, we had ______ good supper yesterday.
A. ×,a
B. a, a
C. ×,×
D. a,×


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