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发布时间:2023-10-21 11:52:30

[单项选择]Hydroponics ______ the cultivation of plants without soil.
A. does
B. is
C. do
D. are

更多"Hydroponics ______ the cultivation "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Hydroponics()the cultivation of plants without soil.
A. does
B. is
C. do
D. are
[单项选择]Hydroponics ()the cultivation of plants without soil.
A. does
B. is
C. do
D. are
[单项选择]Gardening is the cultivation of plants, usually in or near the home, as a hobby.
A. germination
B. growing
C. classification
D. sowing
[单项选择]If you want to read some less important news without any details, you can read ______.
A. the lead paragraphs of the news stories on front pages
B. the headlines inside the pages
C. the lead paragraphs of the news stories
D. the headlines of some current news on the front pages
[单项选择]The fact is that citizens()enter this palace without special permits.
A. is allow not
B. are not allowed
C. were not allowed
D. are not allowed to
[单项选择]It is a skill that needs to be developed and without it we are at a definite disadvantage.
A. 它是一种需要培养完善的技艺,没有这种技艺,我们就一定会处于劣势。
B. 它是一种必须被发展的技能,而且没有这种技能,我们就会处于一种明显的劣势。
C. 需要培养完善的是一种技巧,没有它,我们就没有一定的优势。
D. 它是一种技能,必须被培养,没有它,我们就处于一定的劣势中。
[单项选择]______ English well, he translated the story without much difficulty.
A. Knowing
B. Knew
C. Known
D. To know
[单项选择]Canada began (cultivation) wheat intensively in 1910, which (led to) a demand for tools, machines, (housing), and (building supplies).
A. cultivation
B. led to
C. housing
D. building supplies
[单项选择]How is food for plants made Food for plants is made ______.
A. from water
B. from the air in the sky
C. from the soil
D. from water, things in the soil and air and sunlight
[单项选择]_________nothing to eat, he had to go to bed without supper.
A. There was
B. It being
C. There being
D. Being
[单项选择]Researchers discovered that plants infected with a virus give off a gas that ______ disease resistance in neighboring plants.
A. contracts
B. activates
C. maintains
D. prescribes
[单项选择]Research discovered that plants infected with a virus give off a gas that______ disease resistance in neighboring plants.
A. contracts
B. activates
C. maintains
D. prescribes
[单项选择]What has sometimes caused plants to die out

A. Interference from foresters.
B. Variations in climate.
C. The absence of wooded land.
D. The introduction of new type of plants.


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