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发布时间:2023-10-23 08:48:12

[单项选择]The anti-nuclear campaigners joined hands and formed a 20 kilometer human ______.
A. chain
B. link
C. cable
D. strand

更多"The anti-nuclear campaigners joined"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The People's Education Press joined hands with the Longman Group Ltd. in late 80s and early 90s and compiled a textbook series for Chinese ______ teaching.
A. college
B. secondary
C. elementary
D. graduate
[单项选择]一个工程中含有窗体Form1、Form2和标准模块Modell,如果在Form1中有语句PublicX As Integer,在Modell中有语句Public Y As Integer。则以下叙述中正确的是
A. 变量X、Y的作用域相同
B. Y的作用域是Modell
C. 在Form1中可以直接使用x
D. 在Form2中可以直接使用X和Y

Amateur cooks have joined the craze with the help of more than 20 cookbooks which devote exclusively with hot and spicy Mexican, Thai and Cajun foods.()

A. that devote exclusively to
B. devoting exclusively of
C. that devotes exclusively with
D. that devoting exclusively to
[单项选择]That Africa and South America were once joined can be deduced front the fact that ______.
A. the two continents are still moving in opposite directions
B. they have been found to share certain geological features
C. the African plates has been stable for 30 million years
D. over 100 hot spots are scattered all around the globe
[单项选择]如果Form1是启动窗体,并且Form1的Load事件过程中有Form2.Show,则程序启动后( )。
A. 发生一个运行时错误
B. 发生一个编译时错误
C. 在所有的初始化代码运行后Form1是活动窗体
D. 在所有的初始化代码运行后Form2是活动窗体
[单项选择]设一个工程由两个窗体组成,其名称分别为Form1和Form2,在Form1上有一个名称为 Command1的命令按钮。窗体Form1的程序代码如下:
Private Sub Command1_Click( )
Dim a As Integer
Call g(Form2,
[单项选择]工程中有2个窗体,名称分别为Form1、Form2,Form1为启动窗体,该窗体上有命令按钮Command1。 要求程序运行后单击该命令按钮时显示Form2,则按钮的Click事件过程应该是【 】
[单项选择]当双击窗体Form1时,要将窗体Form1隐藏起来、将窗体Form2以模式方式显示出来的事件过程,正确的是( )。
A. Private Sub Command1_Click()
B. Private Sub Command1_Click()
C. Private Sub Command1_Click()
D. Private Sub Command1_Click()
[单项选择]已知两个窗体Form1、Form2,下列事件过程中,______ 可以实现单击窗体Form1的命令按钮时,显示窗体Form2,而窗体Form1消失。
A. Private Sub Command1_ Click() LoadForm2 Form1. Hide End Sub
B. Private Sub Command1_ Click() Show Form2 Form1. Hide EndSub
C. Private Sub Command1_ click() Show Form2 Form1. Hide End Sub
D. Private Sub Command1_ click()
[简答题]China, the world's most populous nation, joined the World Trade Organization on November 10, 2001, thus ending 15 years of negotiations, offering China a new place at the table of nations and giving new life to centuries of dreams.
[单项选择]在Dreamweaver中,<form></form>中写入( )。
A. 表单对象
B. 文本
C. 图片
D. 插件
[单项选择]By saying "... were being joined by flow of converts" the author implies that American consumers ________.
A. believed in a particular religion
B. were reluctant to change their established belief in materialism
C. accepted one kind of political principle
D. gradually began to accept a belief of simplicity
[单项选择]After the lecture the students shook hands with the visiting professor()turn.
A. with
B. in
C. by
D. after


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