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发布时间:2023-10-22 01:50:08

[单项选择]Although ________ happened in that developed country sounds like science fiction, it could oc cur elsewhere in the world.
A. which
B. what
C. how
D. it

更多"Although ________ happened in that "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Although ______ happened in that developed country sounds like science fiction, it could occur elsewhere in the world.
A. which
B. what
C. how
D. it
[单项选择]Although television was developed for broadcasting, many important uses have been found that have nothing to do with it.
A. 电视不仅促进了节目的播送,而且也有很多其他重要的作用。
B. 尽管开发电视的初衷是为了播送节目,后来却发现电视还有很多与此毫无关系的重要用途。
C. 为了播送节目电视被开发出来,相应地,很多与此有关的重要用途也被发现。
D. 尽管开发电视的初衷是为了播送节目,后来却发现其实电视的重要用途都与此无关。
[单项选择]What happened to Robert

[单项选择]What happened in 1981

A. A space programme was suspended.
B. Five men were injured during an accident.
C. An accident occurred before a rehearsal.
D. No accident happened that year.
[单项选择]What happened to Ray
A. He had extensive head injuries.
B. He was burned over much of his body.
C. He suffered from smoke inhalation.
D. He managed to come out of the fire safe and sound.
[单项选择]What happened in 1996
A. Retirement stopped being practiced.
B. Age limitation in retirement was abolished.
C. Retired people were no longer entitled to pensions.
D. Age discrimination was legally abolished.
[单项选择]Which probably happened first
[单项选择]What happened to Earhart
A. She was successful in her world flight.
B. Her airplane was blown away by the strong winds over the equator.
C. She lost her way after failing in.communicating with the Naval station around the equator.
D. D) Her airplane disappeared while flying over the Pacific Ocean.
[单项选择]What happened in 1920
A. Radio was first used.
B. The first president was elected.
C. The first car came into being.
D. The first airplane was made.
[单项选择]What happened in the morning

A. The roof of the toilet started leaking.
B. The woman phoned to remind her husband about the call.
C. The man was too busy to answer the phone.
D. The woman was having a shower when the man calle
[单项选择]What happened to the university

A. Many computers were broken.
B. Dozens of records of applicants were hacked into.
C. A number of people could not be identified.
D. The new computer software was stolen.
[单项选择]What has happened to Sam

A. His nose is running.
B. He has caught a cold.
C. He has got a headache.
D. He has got ache all over.


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