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发布时间:2023-10-09 09:52:00

[单项选择]Why did the potters discussed in the passage change the kind of pottery they made
A. They discovered a new kind of cla
B. They were compensation for the loss of an overseas supplie
C. They studied new techniques in Europ
D. The pottery they had been producing was not very stron

更多"Why did the potters discussed in th"的相关试题:

[单项选择]According to the passage, why did colonial printers avoid major publishing projects
A. Few colonial printers owned printing machinery tha was large enough to handle major projects
B. ( There was inadequate shipping available in the colonies
C. ( Colonial printers could not sell their work for a competitive price
D. ( Colonial printers did not have the skills necessary to undertake large publishing projects
[单项选择]According to the Passage, why did the first people who came to North America leave their homeland
A. They were hoping to find a better climate.
B. They were seeking freedom.
C. They were following instructions given in a dream.
D. They were looking for food.
[单项选择]According to the passage, why did the government pass the Timber Culture Act of 1873
A. (To make larger tracts of land available to small farmers
B. ( To settle Kansas, Nebraska, and the Dakotas
C. ( To encourage land speculation west of the Mississippi
D. ( To increase the variety of trees growing in the western states
[单项选择]According to the passage, why did the first people who came to North America leave their homeland
A. ( They were hoping to find a better climate
B. ( They were seeking freedom
C. ( They were following instructions given in a dream
D. ( They were looking for food
[单项选择]According to the passage, why did teachers leave the teaching profession after the outbreak of the war
A. They needed to be retrained.
B. They were dissatisfied with the curriculum.
C. Other jobs provided higher salaries.
D. Teaching positions were scarce.
[单项选择]According to the passage, why did the laundry detergent ad fail in the Middle East
[单项选择]Why did the country mentioned in the passage suffer from floods and starvation
A. Because nothing remains on land except floods.
B. Because there are no longer trees to keep the rain and protect the top—soil.
C. Because too much rain sinks in and washes away the top— soil.
D. Because roots of the trees break up the soil.
[单项选择]According to the passage, how did American people receive Thorpe when he came back from Stockholm in 1912

A. They held grand banquets in his honor.
B. They welcomed him with parades and celebration.
C. They gave him the title of "the highest type of citizen".
D. They made him a professional athlete.
[单项选择]According to the passage, how did Bessemer method make the mass production of steel possible
A. It directed air at melted iron in a furnace, removing all impurities.
B. It slowly heated iron ore then stirred it and heated it again.
C. It changed iron ore into iron which was a substitute for steel.
D. It could quickly find deposits of iron ore under the ground.
[单项选择]According to the passage, when did modern bicycles first appear
A. Twenty years before 1876.
B. Around 1887.
C. About 1876.
D. In the late eighteenth century.
[单项选择]According to the passage, how did knowledge about chemical processes increase before the seventeenth century
A. Philosophers devised theories about chemical properties.
B. A special symbolic language was developed.
C. Experience led workers to revise their techniques.
D. Experts shared their discoveries with the public.
[单项选择]According to the passage, why some scientists are thinking twice about doing or reporting their research

A. Because they are lack of fund.
B. Because they have to share the honor with others.
C. Because their research may arouse Controversy.
D. Because the government bans them from publishing the results of their research.
[单项选择]According to the passage, why was watercolor painting revived in Eng- land

A. It was easy to use outdoors,
B. It was a strong medium.
C. It was extremely vibrant in color.
D. It was well suited to popular tastes.


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