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发布时间:2023-10-31 22:26:39

[单项选择]It ______ for two days. The roads will be locked if it ______ soon.

更多"It ______ for two days. The roads w"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The two roads meet ______ a market lies.
A. at the place
B. where
C. there
D. at there

Passage Two
I always have a difficult time choosing original birthday presents. My imagination never seems to get beyond ties, handkerchiefs, or pairs of socks. But, strangely enough, it did not take me long to decide on Tom’s birthday present. For the first time in my life I had a good idea——I would buy him a bottle of champagne. Before the party began, Tom suggested that I should open the bottle. I put it between my knees and began to pull, but it remained firmly corked. Soon a crowd gathered round to watch the fight between me and the bottle. I could hear all sorts of" helpful" suggestions from the guests like "Break the top off", "Use your teeth!" etc. But I was losing the bottle. We were struggling on the floor together, when all of a sudden there was a loud" pop!" and the cork shot up into the air, while the angry bottle showered everybody with champagne!

What is NOT mentioned as a birthday presen
A. Ties.
B. Books.
C. Handkerchiefs.
D. Pairs of socks.
[单项选择]I locked myself out of my apartment. I didn't know what to do. "You may call your roommate()."
A. could have called
B. might have called
C. would have called
D. must have called

Passage Two I had just gone to bed after a very hard day when the phone rang. It was an eccentric(怪僻的) farmer. I had never met him before although I had heard people talk about him. He sounded quite nervous and he had been talking for a minute or so before I understood anything. Even then all I could make out was that someone called Milly had had a very bad accident. I hadn’t the slightest idea who she was but I obviously had to go. It had been snowing heavily that day and I didn’t know the way. I had been driving for at least an hour when I finally found his place. He was standing there, waiting for me. "She meant more to me than anyone... even my own wife!" he said. I could see that he had been crying. I thought something terrible had taken place, a possible scandal(丑闻). I was even more shocked when he told me he had put her in the barn(厩)"I wouldn’t leave here out in the cold!" he said. Milly had clearly been a secret lover o
A. She was seriously ill.
B. She was hidden somewhere.
C. She had met with an accident.
D. She had caused a scandal.

[单项选择]I always locked up my letters to keep my noisy roommate from prying into them.
A. 我总是把我的信锁起来,以免让多疑的室友把他们拿走。
B. 为了防范我多嘴的室友,我总是把信放在安全的地方。
C. 我总是把我的信锁起来,不让我的多嘴多舌的室友打听信的内容。
D. 为了使我的室友不干扰我的私事,我总是把我的信锁起来。
[单项选择]No thing fuels cynicism for watching two titanic institutions squabble over their reputations().
A. No... as
B. Something... like
C. Nothing... like
D. No... than
[单项选择]There are some differences between the two. I really don't know ______.
A. where to choose
B. which to choose
C. to choose what
D. to choose which
[单项选择]The two students ______ for two hours, I wonder what they are talking about.
A. talks
B. are talking
C. talked
D. have been talking
[单项选择]When I took his temperature, I found it was two degrees above______.
A. average
B. ordinary
C. regular
D. normal
[单项选择]For nearly two hours I waited to buy a ticket for the con cert, only ______ that all tickets had been sold out.
A. being told
B. I was told
C. to be told
D. was told
[单项选择]After driving for about two kilometers, I suddenly realized that I ________ in the wrong direction.
A. drove
B. was driving
C. have been driving
D. had been driving


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