The Super Bowl is one of the biggest
events on the advertising calendar, as companies vie to produce the most
memorable and innovative ads. The battle for the National Football League’s
ultimate prize attracts more viewers than anything else on American television
and provides a "symbolic pulsetaking" for the advertising industry every
February, says John Frelinghuysen, an analyst at Bain and Company, a
consultancy. But this year the patient is in poor health. All the advertising
slots(广告摊位) for the 2008 Super Bowl had been sold by the end of November 2007,
despite the $ 2.6 million price of each. For 2009 the price has risen to $ 3
million, but at least, ten slots (out of 67) are still looking for a
buyer. General Motors, which ran 11 ads on Super Bowl Sunday in February 2008, has already said that it will not run a A. Ford and Chrysler will run the advertising slots in 2009 B. 2009’s Super Bowl will still be an expensive ads parade C. America’s ad spending this year will decline by 5% or more D. Carmakers’ fate determines to certain extent the ad spending in America [单项选择]原发性免疫缺陷病的主要特征是( )。
A. 出血 B. 反复感染 C. 特殊面容 D. 智力低下 E. 生长发育迟缓 [单项选择]有关消毒方法的描述,错误的是()
A. 微波消毒属高效消毒法 B. 异丙醇属中效消毒法 C. 通风换气属低效消毒法 D. 高效消毒可杀灭一切微生物 E. 病原体及消毒方法相同,在不同的物品上消毒效果相同 [单选题]在装置区内不佩戴安全帽或者不按规范佩戴安全防护用品者罚款( )元/人次
A.500 B.100 C. 200 D.50 [单选题]AE002 4 1 2
不属于铜导线特点的是( )。 A.导电性能好 B.易加工 C.易焊接 D.比重比铝小 [多项选择]在我国进出口贸易活动中常见的成交方式包括( )。
A. CIF B. CIP C. FOB D. CPT [单选题]用水浇灭距离接触网带点部分不足( )的燃着物时,接触网必须停电。
A.2m B.3m C.4m D.8m [填空题]各种导向标志(包含临时导向标志)要符合国标要求,统一布置,设置醒目,摆放正确,保持清洁,其他标志不得影响安全标志;临时标志要版式统一,内容清晰,放置正确。
[多选题]3.患者唇裂术后的护理措施,正确的有( )
A.全麻未清醒 者,平卧位,头偏向一侧 B.保持呼吸道通畅 C.密切观察伤口及鼻腔有无渗血及喉头水肿 D.以上说法均不正确 [单选题]下列关于四环素类药物不良反应的叙述中,不正确的是( )。
A.空腹口服易发生胃肠道反应 B.长期大量静脉给药可引起严重肝脏损害 C.长期应用后可发生二重感染 D.不会产生过敏反应 E.幼儿乳牙釉质发育不全 [单项选择]下列哪项是营养性缺铁性贫血的主要原因
A. 生长发育加快 B. 从食物中摄入的铁不足 C. 造血功能增加 D. 铁的消耗过多 E. 贮存铁耗尽 [单选题]【单选题】消防员招录坚持( ),主动接受监督。
A.信息公开、过程公开、结果公开 B.信息公开、过程公开、资讯公开 C.流程公开、过程公开、结果公开 D.流程公开、过程公开、资讯公开 [单选题]
男性,38岁,主诉:低热10日,右上腹痛,消瘦,即往有肺结核史,实验室栓查,白细胞计数8.8×109/L,胸片示:双上肺散在索条及斑点状阴影,右上肺锁骨下见云絮状模糊影,应诊断为 A.细支气管肺泡细胞癌 B.继发性肺结核 C.矽肺 D.慢性肺间质纤维化 E.金黄色葡萄球菌肺炎 [判断题]检修联络用的断路器(开关)、隔离开关(刀闸),应在其来电侧验电。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]铁路信号分为视觉信号和听觉信号。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]The transgenic farm animals mentioned in this passage are ______.
A. pigs, cows and mosquitoes that have gone through the transgenic procedure B. pigs, cows, sheep and chickens that have accepted additional genes C. leaner pigs, poultry that produce pharmaceuticals and healthier sheep D. leaner pigs, chickens resisting diseases and goats that produce milk with medicine in it [判断题]一次性使用的医疗器械、器具不得重复使用。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]水泥胶砂强度试验时,水泥试件脱膜,对于 3d .28d 的龄期的试件,应在成型后( )脱膜。
A. .20~24h B. .8h C. .48h D. .36h [简答题]冬季暖库存车费收取标准是多少?
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