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发布时间:2023-12-22 00:27:09

[单项选择]It's no use ______ a lot of books without reading them.
A. to buy
B. buy
C. buying
D. bought

更多"It's no use ______ a lot of books w"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Without reading the required books before classes, students will find it difficult to understand the class.
A. 如学生课前没有按要求看书,他们会觉得难以听懂授课内容。
B. 如学生课前不阅读指定书目,他们会觉得难以听懂授课内容。
C. 如学生课前不看书,他们会很难找到授课内容。
D. 如学生不和同学一起按要求看书,他们很难找到授课内容。
[单项选择]What kind of books did Braille's teacher use
A. Ones with cloth letters.
B. Ones with printed letters sticking out from the pages.
C. Ones with dots standing for letters.
D. Ones with thick paper punched with an awl.
[单项选择]As the saying goes, reading without reflecting is like eating without ______.
A. chewing
B. tasting
C. digesting
D. releasing
[单项选择]Jules wrote a lot of exciting books partly because he ______.
A. liked to do much reading on science
B. liked reading fairy tales
C. was a great inventor
D. was a famous scientist
[单项选择]As _____, Benjamin Franklin read a lot of books in polemic divinity.

A. his father was a clergyman
B. his father had a lot of religious books
C. he was fond of religious books
D. he intended to be a clergyman
[单项选择]设在工程中有一个标准模块,其中定义了如下记录类型 Type Books Name As String * 10 TelNum As String * 20 End Type 在窗体上画一个名为Command1的命令按钮,要求当执行事件过程Command1_Click时, 在顺序文件Person.txt中写入一条记录。下列能够完成该操作的事件过程是______。
A. Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim B As Books Open"c:/Perso txt" For Output As #1 Name=InputBox("输入姓名") TelNum=InputBox("输入电话号码") Write #1,Name,TelNum Close #1 End Sub
B. Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim B As Books Open"c:/Persotxt" For Input As #1 Name=InputBox("输入姓名") TelNum=InputBox("输入电话号码") Print #1. Nam TelNum Close #1 End Sub
C. Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim B As Books Open" c:/Perso txt" For Output As #1 Name=InputBox("输入姓名") TelNum=InputBox("输入电话号码") Write #1, B Close #1 End Sub
D. Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim B As Books Open" c:/Perso txt" For Input As #1 Name=InputBox("输入姓名") TelNum=InputBox("输入电话号码") Print #1, Name, TelNum Close #1 End Sub
[单项选择]假定在工程文件中有一个标准模块,其中定义了如下记录类型 Type Books Name As String * 10 TelNum As String * 20 End Type 要求当执行事件过程Command1_Click时,在顺序文件Person.txt中写入一条记录。下 列能够完成该操作的事件过程是:
[单项选择]According to the man, how do some bees use their sense of smell

A. To find their way back to the nest.
B. To locate plant fibers.
C. To identify kinds of honey.
D. To identify relatives.
Type Books
Name As String*10
TelNum As String*20
End Type
A. Private Sub Command1_Click()
B. Private Sub Command1_Click()
C. Private Sub Command1_Click()
D. Private Sub Command1_Click()
[单项选择]The main characters of Horatio Alger's books always rise from poverty to {{U}}riches{{/U}}
A. maturity
B. wisdom
C. status
D. wealth
[单项选择]What' s the use of Simon West' s animated road signs
A. To warn people to be careful while working.
B. To warn people on the roads of the danger ahead.
C. To add to the beauty of a city.
D. To help make a car trip more exciting.
[单项选择]Mary certainly talks a lot and she's never interested in what ______ has to say.
A. somebody else
B. anyone else
C. nobody else
D. else anyone
[单项选择]Victor certainly talks a lot and he’s never interested in what ______ has to say.
A. anyone else
B. no one
C. nobody else
D. somebody other
[单项选择]What's Samaranch's attitude towards drug use in Olympic Games
A. Indignant
B. Tolerate
C. Paradoxical
D. Neutral
[单项选择]The author's use of the bathtub hoax is meant to suggest that ______.

A. belief is nothing but a light switch
B. facts must be believed unconditionally
C. nothing should be believed or disbelieved
D. belief is more than a simple yes or no choice


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