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发布时间:2024-02-08 05:33:20

[单项选择]Is he ______ European or ______ American
A. a;an
B. an;a
C. an;an
D. a;a

更多"Is he ______ European or ______ Ame"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Is he ______ European or ______ American
A. a;an
B. an;a
C. an;an
D. a;a

Unlike their American or European counterparts, car salesmen in Japan work hard to get a buyer. Instead of lying lazily around showrooms waiting for customers to drop by, many Japanese car salesmen still go out to get them. They walk wearily along the streets selling cars door-to-door. New customers are hunted with fruit and cakes on their birth- days. But life is getting tough, and not just because new-car sales are falling.
With more Japanese women(who often control the household budget) going out to work, the salesmen increasingly find nobody at home when they call. That means another visit in the evening or at the weekend. Then they face an extra problem: more people, especially the young, prefer to choose a new car from a showroom where they can compare different models.
Even as late as the mid-1980s some 90 percent of new cars were sold door-to-door. In some rural areas most new cars are still sold this way. But in the big cities more than half the new cars
A. they sell cars door-to-door
B. they buy presents for their customers
C. they enjoy themselves in recreation centers
D. they go out to do market researches

[单项选择]Before he became American president, John Kennedy ______.
A. kept a record of events in the Navy
B. was the owner of a newspaper
C. was three times elected to the House of Representatives
D. studied law in the university
[单项选择]He speaks English with strong American accent, so he______brought up in the United States or Canada.
[单项选择]The American professor came to realize that he had underestimated the ______ of most of the Chinese students.
A. magnitude
B. gradient
C. potential
D. firmness
[单项选择]Although ______ American literature, he failed to remember the writer of the masterpiece.
A. he was knowing
B. he is knowing
C. knows
D. having a knowledge of
[单项选择]Sit next to an American on an airplane and he will immediately address you by your first name.
A. 在飞机上,你如果坐在一个美国人旁边,他会立刻以你的名字相称。
B. 在飞机上,他紧挨着一位美国人,于是他马上询问那人的地址与姓名。
C. 在飞机上,若坐在一个美国人旁边,他会马上叫你的名字。
D. 在飞机上,坐在一个美国人旁边,他会立刻询问有关你的地址与你的姓名。
[单项选择]Mr. Li had an American style and he()like an American.
A. thought
B. thinks
C. thinking
D. has thought


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