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发布时间:2023-10-28 07:18:02

[单项选择]A good deal of the ______ for his achievement in this field must go to his supervisor, Professor Fang.
A. credit
B. reputation
C. respect
D. praise

更多"A good deal of the ______ for his a"的相关试题:

[单项选择]A good deal of the ______ for his achievement in this field must go to his supervisor, Professor Fang.
A. credit
B. reputation
C. respect
D. praise
[单项选择]During the voyage, Darwin collected a good deal of information about living things, which ______led to his famous book "On the Origin of Species".
A. lastly
B. completely
C. essentially
D. eventually
[单项选择]His mother had thought it would be good for his character to ______ from home and earn some money on his own.
A. run away
B. take away
C. keep away
D. get away
[单项选择]We got to work and succeeded, after a good deal of ______, in making our butter.
A. trial and error
B. morning and night
C. bitterness and hard
D. failure and success
[单项选择]Man: Where can I get a good deal on computers Woman: Try ordering them through your school. Question: What does the woman say about computers
A. The school computers are unreliable.
B. The school will probably offer a good price on computers.
C. Computers are easy to deal with.
D. It is better to order a typewriter.
[单项选择]Modern appliances ______ us from a good deal of household work. For instance, the dryer frees us from hanging the laundry.
A. escape
B. benefit
C. liberate
D. comfort
[单项选择]Modem appliances ________ us from a good deal of household work. For instance, the dryer frees us from hanging the laundry.
A. escape
B. benefit
C. liberate
D. comfort
[单项选择]Bill thinks it will be good for his children to live in more than one country.
[单项选择]Mike takes a walk everyday. ____ is good for his health.
A. that
B. what
C. which
D. as
[单项选择]Because of his outstanding achievement in sale this year, he has been assured of a new that by his boss.
A. 他今年因销售了一套新楼层而工作出色。
B. 由于他今年销售作得好, 所以被允许住进新房。
C. 由于他今年出色的成就, 他有了一套新住宅。
D. 由于他今年的销售工作出色, 老板奖励他一套新房。

Buying the textbooks for his courses, paying his tuition, and renting a locker took most all the money he had saved from his summer job.He got only little money in his pocket now.

[单项选择]His pleasant personality is derived from his good humor and understanding.
A. 由于他性情好又富于同情心,所以他招人喜爱。
B. 他性格好,这是因为他心情好并且通情达理的缘故。
C. 他良好的个性源自于他良好的性情和理解力。
D. 他心情愉快,通情达理,所以性格开朗。
[单项选择]A good teacher must know how to ______ his ideas to the students, as generally agreed by educational experts.

A. transmit
B. transfer
C. convey
D. communicate


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