Declan Mayes, President of the Music
Buyers Association, is furious at a recent announcement by the recording
industry regarding people downloading MP3 music files from the Internet as
actual criminals. A few parallels may be instructive. If someone copies an audio music cassette for their own private use, they are, strictly speaking, breaking the law. But recording companies have usually turned a blind eye to this practice because prosecuting the few people involved would be difficult, and the financial loss to the company itself is not considered significant. Now the Music Recording Association has announced that it regards individuals downloading music from the Internet as pirates, claiming that they damage the industry in just the same way. "The industry is completely overreaching; it’ll be a laughing stock," says Mayes. "They’re going to arrest A. (A) The unprecedented speed of technological development. B. (B) Unrealistic legal advice and practice. C. (C) Its failure to adopt an appropriate pricing strategy. D. (D) The rapidly changing nature of contemporary music. [判断题]特殊时段适当缩短巡视周期,及时消除树线矛盾隐患(垂直距离、风偏距离不足)及可燃、易燃物隐患(灌木、茅草)。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]手术器械桌,托盘上所铺无菌巾单要有
A.一层以上 B.二层以上 C.三层以上 D.四层以上 E.以上都不对 [多选题]停电应急处理程序(市电供电正常或者发电机供电正常,UPS停止供电),收费员应进行以下那些操作。()
A.通知收费班长将车道机切换到市电。 B.检查各车道工作状况是否正常,并做好记录。 C.通知所务值班人员检查UPS工作情况。 D.检查车道配电箱相应开关状态,视需要知电工对配电系统作进一步检查。 E.按收费班长指令切换车道机供电电源。 F.观察设备启动和工作状态,发现异常及时报告收费班长。 [单选题]贫血面容指:( )(p491)
A.表情痛苦、面颊潮红、呼吸急促、鼻翼扇动、口唇疱疹等,一般见于急性感染性疾病 B.面色苍白或灰暗,面容憔悴,目光暗淡、消瘦无力等,常见于慢性消耗性疾病 C.双颊紫红,口唇发常 D.面色苍白,唇舌及结膜色淡,表情疲惫乏力 [多选题]钢直尺是最简单的长度量具,它的长度有(( ))几种规格。
A.150mm B.300mm C.500mm D.1000mm [单项选择]工程计价的组合性是由工程造价的( )特点决定的。
A. 大额性 B. 个别性 C. 层次性 D. 兼容性 [多选题]列车的运行等级不包括下列哪几级( )
A.1级 B.10级 C.11级 D.13级 [单选题]境内银行业金融机构和境内非银行金融机构为农村商业银行的发起人,至少上一年度监管评级结果应在( )以上。
A..2级 B.3级 C.4级 D.5级 [单项选择]使用Sniffer在网络设备的一个端口上能够捕捉到与之属于同一VLAN的不同端口的所有通信流量,该种设备是()
A. 二层交换机 B. 三层交换机 C. 路由器 D. 集线器 [判断题]对中、小型状较复杂的装配件,可采用相应的清洗液浸泡、浸洗时间随清洗液的性质、温度和装配件的要求确定,一般为2-20h。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]40Hz听性相关电位临床应用中,最有价值的是()
A. 耳聋定位诊断 B. 客观评估听力水平 C. 鉴别耳聋性质 D. 评估高频听力 E. 评估听中枢功能 [单选题]十项承诺规定:供电方案的答复时间,高压双电源客户最长不超过( )工作日。
A.20 B.30 C.15 D.10 我来回答: 提交