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发布时间:2023-10-23 06:45:20

[单项选择]Buses ______ fewer people than trains.

更多"Buses ______ fewer people than trai"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Buses ______ fewer people than trains.

A. carry
B. take
C. bring
[单项选择]The city's underground()more people than the buses.
A. brings
B. carries
C. sends
D. fetches
[单项选择]Why will battery buses cost less than conventional buses in the long run
A. They will spread the capital cost over a long period.
B. They will be stronger and last longer.
C. They will use less fuel and cost less to maintain.
D. They will be charged at night when electricity costs less.

Why do people in all countries ride buses to school, to work, and to far places Buses can go where trains and airplanes cannot. They do not cost as much to travel on. Even though they may not move as fast as airplanes and trains, they sometimes take people between two places faster. This is be- cause they may travel a more direct way, or may leave more often, or at better times.
Buses come in different sizes. A small bus can carry only eight or ten people. A large one might have seats for fifty to seventy people and have standing room for more.
Thousands of yellow school buses carry millions of children to school every year. Most of these buses have seats placed quite close together to fit in as many children as possible. Some schools buy their own buses. Others pay to use buses that belong to bus companies.
City and town buses carry people for short distances. The seats of these are close together, and there is standing room as well. Most city bus
A. short-distance buses
B. direct buses
C. school buses
D. long-distance buses

[单项选择]Long-distance buses give people the chance to travel across ______.
A. huge and continuous sections of land
B. large and beautiful land
C. small but beautiful land
D. huge districts of land
[单项选择]There are fewer grey wolves in Europe than in the USA.
[单项选择]There are fewer grey wolves in Europe than in U.S.
[单项选择]People learn better through TV than through radio because ______.
[单项选择]Which country has more people than any other country in the world

A. Malaya.
B. Burma.
C. China.

Text 4 More people than ever before are embarking on their own enterprise adventure and starting their own business. Nearly 400, 000 companies were established last year, or 35 percent more than in 2002. But official statistics also show that more businesses than ever are failing. Last year, a record 40,000 businesses were declared insolvent. With so many businesses failing it is important if you are thinking of starting a business to plan and prepare properly. This will also increase the chances of securing finance. "One of the key parts of starting a business is ensuring that the original idea is developed into a fully viable product or service," Judith Rutherford, the chief executive of Business Link for London, says. "Establishing whether there is a market for the product or service is the next step. This should include a thorough examination of potential competitors and customers," she says. "It may also be worth commissioning some market rese
A. details of product and market, a budget plan and cashflow forecast.
B. a budget plan, cashflow forecast and a market investigation report.
C. a budget plan, cashflow forecast and contingency plans.
D. a research on the product and market, a budget plan, cashflow forecast and contingency plans.

[单项选择]He ______people with less knowledge than he has.
A. looks up
B. looks down upon
C. looks at
D. look after


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