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发布时间:2023-10-02 15:05:02

[单项选择]______ relates to the liability of the issuing bank, whereas ______ relates to the responsibility of the correspondent bank or other banks.
A. "Revocable" or "inrevocable", "unconfirmed" or "confirmed"
B. "Cancelled" or "cancellate", "confirmative" or "confirmed"
C. "Revocable" or "inrevocable", "confirmative" or "confirmed"
D. "Cancelled" or "incancelled", "unconfirmed" or "confirmative"

更多"______ relates to the liability of "的相关试题:

A. (A) invulnerability
B. (B) authorization
C. (C) abundance
D. (D) atrociousness
E. (E) depravity
[单项选择]The issuing bank will guarantee that bills drawn by the beneficiary under a documentary credit will be honored, provided all the other terms of the credit are met. Here "bills will be honored" means that.
A. "bills will be accepted but not paid by the issuing bank"
B. "bills will be paid but not accepted by the issuing bank"
C. "bills will be accepted or paid by the issuing bank"
D. "bills will be. accepted or paid by the importer"
[单项选择]The growth of limited liability companies resulted in ______.
A. the separation of capital from management
B. the participation of shareholders in municipal business
C. the emergence of capital and labor as two classes
D. the ownership of capital by managers
[单项选择]Which of the following is current liability
A. cash
B. inventory
C. salary payable
D. money from the bank
[单项选择]The following information relates to a futures market contract:
A. Initial futures price on Day 0
B. $100
C. Initial margin requirement
D. $5
E. Maintemance rnargin requirement
F. $3
G. Settlement price on Day 1
H. $103
I. Settlement price on Day 2
J. $ 96
K. Settlement price on Day 3
L. $98
[单项选择]Unlimited liability means that each partner is responsible for all debts and legal responsibilities in connection with the business.
A. 无限责任就是指每个合伙人负担全部的债务,法律责任由企业承担。
B. 无限责任是指每个合伙人都要担负企业的全部债务以及与企业有关的法律责任。
C. 无限责任是指企业的全部债务以及全部法律责任由一个合伙人担负。
D. 无限责任就意味着每个合伙人都要承担与企业有关的所有的债务和法律责任。
[单项选择]Which statement relates the main idea of this passage
A. When salt is added to their diets, rats and men react in much the same way.
B. The near future will see a cure for high blood pressure.
C. Modem research has shown that high blood pressure is a result of salt in the diet.
D. A tendency toward high blood pressure may be a hereditary factor.
[单项选择]The following information relates to an investor's positioning the futures market:
A. Initial futures price per contract on Day 0
B. $100
C. Initial margin requirement per contract
D. $5
E. Maintemance rnmargin requirement
F. $3
G. Number of contracts held by the investor
H. $10
I. Position taken by the investor
J. Long
K. Settlement price per contract on Day 1
L. $97
[单项选择]“NO financial liability with respect to this certificate shall attach to the entry-exit inspection and quaran- tine authorities”,最确切的翻译是( )。
A. 出入境检验检疫机关不承担签发本证书的任何法律责任
B. 出入境检验检疫机关将承担签发本证书的任何行政责任
C. 出入境检验检疫机关不承担签发本证书的任何财经责任
D. 出入境检验检疫机关不承担签发本证书的任何费用
[单项选择]What do we learn about medical liability from the passage
A. its problem in washington has already been solved.
B. Its problem requires a national solution.
C. It mainly concerns the local governments.
D. It can be reformed quickly and easily.
[单项选择]Which of the following is long- term liability
A. debt payable due with 10 years
B. inventory
C. unearned revenue
D. note payable due within 6 months
[单项选择]英译汉:“Issuing date;Valid period;warranty period”,正确的翻译为( )。
A. 签发日期;保质日期;有效期限
B. 签发日期;有效期限;保质期
C. 有效期限;签发日期;保质日期
D. 检验日期;签发日期;保持期
[单项选择]英译汉:“issuing bank;negotiating bank;opening bank”,正确的翻译为( )。
A. 开证行;开户银行;议付银行
B. 议付银行;开证行;开户银行
C. 开证行;议付银行:开户银行
D. 开户银行;开证行;议付银行


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