Passage 4 One reaction to all the concern about tropical deforestation is a blank stare that asks the question, "Since I don’t live in the tropics, what does it have to do with me" The answer is that your way of life, wherever you live in the world, is tied to the tropics in many ways. If you live in a house, wash your hair, eat fruit and vegetables, drink soda, or drive a car, you can be certain that you are affected by the loss of tropical’ forests. Biologically, we are losing the richest regions on earth when, each minute, a piece of tropical forest the size of ten city blocks vanishes. As many as five million species of plants, animals and insects, 40 to 50 percent of all living things, live there, and are being irrevocably lost faster than they can be found and described. Their loss is incalculable. Take medicine, for example. Less than one perce A. average daily temperatures worldwide could increase considerably B. some sea level islands could be threatened by flooding C. all coastal regions throughout the world could be at serious risk D. all of the above [单选题]我军的“三大民主”是指( )、经济民主、军事民主。
A.政治民主 B.人民民主 C.外交民主 D.分配民主 [多选题]运用中的电气设备,系指(____)的电气设备。
A.A.全部带有电压 B.B.一部分带有电压 C.C.一经操作即带有电压 D.D.检修中 [单选题]属于乙类储存物品的火灾危险性的是( )。
A.发烟硫酸 B.水煤气 C.乙烯 D.糖醛 [多选题]施工负责人开工前,应有针对性的对全体施工人员进行
A.安全教育 B.技术交底 C.安全演练 D.技术培训 [多选题]道依茨风冷柴油机的优点:()。
A.标准化、系列化、通用化程度高 B.结构简单,维修方便 C.使用寿命长,可靠性好,故障少 D.噪声小、冷起动性能好、经济性能好、适应性好 [判断题]蛋白质发生变性后,如果一级结构未被破坏在条件适合时可复性,恢复原有的空间构象和 功能。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Research shows that by using computers, students become better problem solvers and better communicators. Over a network, using (1) and sharing files, students have the chance to collaborate and work (2) with other classmates, peers, and teachers. Networking electronically can (3) learners create, analyze, and produce information and ideas more (4) and efficiently. Networking people "put the inspiring and usable set of tools (5) reach of the mass of computer (6) , empowering them to (7) beyond simply processing information to design, publish, and express" (Mello, 1996). Through this (8) electronic access to the world around them, students’ social awareness and (9) increase. Networking (10) them from the limitations of (11) writing tools that often inhibit and restrict writing processes. Learning is then (12) from a traditional passive-listening exercise to an experience of discover
A. better B. less C. more D. worse 我来回答: 提交