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发布时间:2024-07-14 00:06:32

[单项选择]How I wish John recognized the fact that he ______ in the wrong.
A. always nearly is
B. always is nearly
C. is nearly always
D. nearly is always

更多"How I wish John recognized the fact"的相关试题:

[单项选择]How I wish John recognized the fact that he ______in the wrong.
A. always nearly is
B. always is nearly
C. is nearly always
D. nearly is always
[单项选择]John insisted that he()everything he could to make sure of Mary's happiness.
A. do
B. does
C. did
D. must do
[单项选择]Woman: John says that he is confident that he can win the game.Man: He'll succeed when pigs fly.Question: What does the man mean
A. John is as clumsy as a pig.
B. John has never played a game like this.
C. John cannot win the game.
D. John has no confidence in himself.
[单项选择]Sandy cannot accept the fact that he has difficulty ________ friends with his classmates.
A. making
B. to making
C. to make
D. for making
[单项选择]He cannot ______ the fact that he was late again for the conference at the university yesterday.
A. contribute to
B. account for
C. identify with
D. leave out
[单项选择]The fact that he has been quite frank in admitting his mistakes {{U}}counts{{/U}} a lot to his credit.
A. matters
B. estimates
C. explains
D. suspects
[单项选择]The fact that he has made a serious mistake does not () your treating him that way.
A. justify
B. prove
C. verify
D. agree
[单项选择]Nobody can deny the fact that he was one of the greatest writers in his times.()
A. 任何人都不能否认事实上他是他所在时代最伟大的作家。
B. 事实上他在有生之年已成为最伟大的作家,没人能够超过。
C. 他是那个时代最伟大的作家之一,这一点没有人能否认。
D. 任何人都无法拒绝承认他在世时是最伟大的作家之一这一事实。
[单项选择]John's completely unaware how much damage he did the company, ______
[单项选择]() the fact that he is an adult now, we should give him more freedom.
A. In consideration of
B. In comparison with
C. In light of
D. In contrast to
[单项选择]He told me how he had given me shelter and protection without which I () of hunger and cold.
A. would be died
B. would have died
C. would die
D. will have died
[单项选择]The fact that he annoyed you does not ______ your treating him in that way.
A. justify
B. identify
C. rectify
D. modify


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