发布时间:2023-10-01 13:07:56

[单项选择]The twin sisters are so much alike that nobody could tell the difference them.()
A. among
B. within
C. between
D. from

更多"The twin sisters are so much alike "的相关试题:

[单项选择]The two girls look so much alike that we can hardly ______ one from the other.
A. separate
B. contrast
C. distinguish
D. compare
[单项选择]The speaker didn't mention much, so we asked him to be more ______.
A. particular
B. specific
C. special
D. significant
[单项选择]How much will you be charged if your family (a couple and three children) go on a Special Sunday ticket trip
A. £15.00.
B. £12.50.
C. £9.00.
D. £5.00.
[单项选择]He was asked to speak louder so that all of us could hear him.
A. 他要求大声说话,所以我们都能够听他说。
B. 他要求大声说话,以便我们大家都能够听到他。
C. 要求他讲话声音大一点,以便我们大家都能够听到他的话。
D. 要求他讲话声音大一点,这样我们都能够听他说了。
[单项选择]So () after she learned the good news that she could hardly fall asleep that night.
A. excited the mother was
B. was the mother excited
C. the mother was excited
D. excited was the mother
[单项选择]Those twins are so alike that it is next to impossible to distinguish ().
A. who is who
B. which is which
C. one and the other
D. one another
[单项选择]There is so much time left, so I can tell you about it______.
A. in short
B. in all
C. in detail
D. in whole
[单项选择]______. the temperature falling so rapidly, we could n' t go on with the experiment.
A. With
B. For
C. As
D. Since
[单项选择]I have lost so (much weight) recently (so) all my clothes are too big; I (must) have them (taken) in.
A. much weight
B. so
C. must
D. taken
[单项选择]The patient felt much better, so the doctor _____ him to take a holiday by the sea.
A. suggested
B. considered
C. advised
D. accepted
[单项选择]The boy regretted having spent so much time playing when he ______
A. should have studied
B. had studied
C. was to study
D. must study
[单项选择]Susan loves chocolate so much that she can hardly resist its______.
A. sight
B. brand
C. variety
D. temptation
[单项选择]There was so much noise that the speaker couldn't make himself ______.
A. hearing
B. being heard
C. to hear
D. heard
[单项选择]Creating so much confusion, Mason realized he had better make _______ what he was trying to tell the audience.
A. exclusive
B. explicit
C. objective
D. obscure
[单项选择]Employees spend too much time on road, so many companies_______ office hours so that they are not all using buses, trains, etc. at the same time.
A. stabilize
B. stagger
C. stammer
D. strand
[单项选择]A rhetorician who spends so much of his time studying the famous______of logic is more than likely to produce a few self-evident statements of his own.
A. (A) self-knots
B. (B) paradoxes
C. (C) twists
D. (D) tautologies
E. (E) platitudes
[单项选择]The severest test of character is not so much the ability to keep a secret as it is,but when the secret is finally out,to refrain from disclosing that you knew it all along.()
A. 如果你能保守秘密,这不能算是品德高尚,而只有在秘密泄露后你还能不说你早就知道,这才是真正的高尚。
B. 对品德的最严格考验,不在于你能否保守秘密,而在于秘密泄露后你能否不说你早就知道。
C. 对品德的最严格考验,不在于你有没有意识到这是否是个秘密,而在于秘密泄露后你说出你早就知道。
D. 如果你要做到保守秘密,体验对品德的最严格考验,就要做到在秘密泄露后也不说出去。


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